Thursday, October 16, 2008

The Elections

Like everyone I know, I have been concerned about the outcome of the elections. Of even more concern, in my opinion, is the state of our very culture. I was talking to Chuck about it last night over the phone, as he watched the debate on TV. I told him I'd been "thinking about" (more like "planning") a novena for God to guide the hearts and consciences of all Americans on election day. Today in my e-mail I received a link to this quote from the Little Flower, St. Therese:

"My whole strength lies in prayer and sacrifice. They can move hearts far better than words."

I have made a personal resolution that I will abstain from further political discussions. This will be very easy for me, in my particular circumstances! I am also planning to begin the Novena for Faithful Citizenship (link is to a pdf file) tomorrow. Beginning tomorrow there is time for two novenas. Talk is cheap, but prayer and sacrifice demonstrate the type of faith that can move mountians!

If you are not familiar with a novena, it is simply nine days of prayer. Why nine days? Because that is how long the Apostles prayed while waiting in Jerusalem after the Ascension of Christ until Pentecost. It is not a magic formula; it is not superstitiously expecting God to grant our wish if we say all the prayers just right. Rather, the nine days demonstrate our sincerety and perseverence in prayer. It also provides time for our hearts to conform to God's will in that particular matter. You don't have to be Catholic to pray a novena!

I would encourage everyone to pray between now and the elections. There is not a particular candidate I want to pray into (or even out of) office. I just pray that whatever happens, God will have mercy on our country and allow us to turn back to Him with all our hearts!

God bless!

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