Saturday, August 4, 2007

Less than 50 days now!

It seems just a short time ago that I posted pointing out that my ticker box (upper right side) had less than 100 days to go until Baby's due date. Well, now we have less than 50 days!

I've heard comments over the years to the effect that expecting your sixth, seventh, etc. can't possibly be as exciting as expecting your first or second. I can't speak for every mom of many, but I can say in my case that is certainly not true! If anything, the anticipation is sweeter because I have fewer questions and (for the most part) less anxiety. I'm not worried about whether or not every little twinge or discomfort is "normal". I can savor these last weeks without fear of whether or not I am prepared to take care of a newborn. In fact, although this pregnancy has been physcially demanding, I think I am enjoying it more than I have enjoyed any of the others.

I am more aware than ever of just how precious this time is. My pregnancy with Hope flew by in a whirlwind of life changes. I don't remember taking much time to talk to her or feel her position within me or smile at her hiccups. And then she was gone, just like that. I think four healthy and uneventful pregnancies made me complacent. Our daughter's short life taught me many lessons. One of those is that I must learn to cherish every moment; even the difficult and painful times are a gift that, once spent, can never be returned.

I am sure that in a few more weeks I will reach a point of wanting this pregnancy to be OVER. It happens every time! But for now, I am feeling well, enjoying "the glow", and relishing every day that brings us closer to Baby's birth.

God bless!


Anonymous said...

This was beautiful, Jennifer! What a wonderful way to look at it! :) I won't be able to look at my pregnancies the same now, Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Take it easy these last weeks. (I know, laugh at that comment). My prayers are with you Jennifer. God's blessings!!! I love you. Mom Ferguson