Thursday, August 9, 2007

Another Early Start

The good Lord must know I need the kick in the pants, because I was up for another early start today. One of the first things on my mind was this little blog of mine.

I began this blog for three main reasons; a few more reasons for writing have cropped up along the way. My primary reason for blogging has been to have a way to keep in touch with our family and friends way down south. My second reason was to keep a record of our adventures in "homesteading", which I had hoped would be much more adventuresome by now, but that is a different post... My third reason was to have an outlet for my writing, which I have always enjoyed. And, underlying all these reasons, was my intention to give all glory to God by thanking Him for His blessings on our circumstances.

But I would like to expand even a little more. Homeschooling, attachment parenting, natural living, home cooking, simplifying and decluttering, being a SAHM (that's "stay at home mom" for those not familiar with the term), and sharing the joys and challenges of raising "so many" kids are all issues in my heart that I would like to share more about. As a Catholic wife and mom, I would also like to share my thoughts on what it takes for me to be the heart of a truly Catholic home.

To achieve this, I will be doing some updating and making a few minor changes. The first change will be the color layout. (I'll never know why I picked this green...) Any suggestions and feedback would be MOST welcome! If you notice something new that you like, or something that you don't, please feel free to let me know! Don't be afraid to be critical; you will be helping me become a better blogger.

I hope everyone has a fantastic day today!

God bless!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I enjoy reading your blog. It keeps me updated on the family. The pictures are fabulous and you have such a talent to write. Me, it takes me forever to write and once I do write, it usually doesn't make much sense. I like this blue it looks nice. The green is good too, but then green is my favorite color. I miss your updates as it hasn't been updated in almost a week. I hope everything is ok. I would call, but I usually call at a bad time, it seems. Love Mom Ferguson