Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Daybook for today.

Outside my window... snow and clouds. My answers to this first question are getting pretty monotonous.

I am thinking... about when Thomas was born, six years ago today. He was my first homebirthed baby. It started out as a difficult labor because he was posterior, but then he turned and everything happened amazingly fast after that. February 24, 2004 was Mardi Gras, so we celebrated his birth with beads and King Cake. I asked him this morning what it feels like to be six; his answer, "about the same as five."

I am thankful for... Mary having fewer and fewer "accidents". I strongly dislike potty training, so it's a relief to have the process done... until next time.

From the kitchen... Last night we made 15-bean soup, and it was wonderful. It soaked and then cooked over wood heat for a day and a half before it was ready, but well worth the weight. I didn't use their packets of "seasoning" but just salt and pepper. The only problem was that the giant lima beans really were giant, and they somewhat resembled grubs. I ate them anyway; it is Lent afterall.

I am wearing... blue jeans and a green t-shirt.

I am going... to work in less than an hour. It's snowing pretty heavily, so I bet it will be a quiet night.

I am reading... a daily devotional booklet called "One Bread, One Body" from Presentation Ministries. I'm also still reading St. Faustina's diary.

I am hoping... I remember to bring home coffee tonight; we are almost out.

I am hearing... the usual household noise.

Around the house... big improvment, if you ask me. I'm spending about half an hour to an hour in a room, just doing whatever I feel needs to be done in there. Maybe by Easter I'll have most of my spring cleaning done.

One of my favorite things... stretching sore muscles. I went for a walk/jog outside on Monday, and it gave me a decent pair of shin splints.

A few plans for the rest of the week: I already mentioned I work tonight. Tomorrow I will do laundry, cook a couple of meals and make sure the kids do their chores, spend some time cleaning the bathroom, do my exercise, have two people over for "choir practice" in the afternoon, and work in the evening. Friday will be mostly the same as Thursday, but I will spend my cleaning time in our bedroom. I'm not sure whether we will try to run some errands Saturday morning or not, but we have Mass in the late afternoon and then we are going to have dinner at some friends' house. Sunday I work in the afternoon, and I plan to do as little as possible in the morning.

That's all I have time for right now; with all the interruptions this took "forever". I'm not even going to check for spelling or typos. ;-) God bless!

courtesy of The Simple Woman's Daybook

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