Friday, September 26, 2008

Quick Update

We have had a pretty good week, although we seem to be fighting a cold so there's a lot of sniffling and just a bit of complaining going on around here. Everybody is fine, though, we completed the most important of our plans for the week, and now it is the weekend. We have been enjoying absolutely beautiful weather. Since it is getting dark earlier, the children are able to enjoy one of their favorite activities- running around outside after dark! Mary is toddling around a little more every day. She can now make it across the room fairly easily, and I see her walking probably more than she crawls. Earlier today she somehow managed to get a small piece of paper stuck to the bottom of her bare foot. I enjoyed the comedy as she tried to figure out exactly what to do about it. She finally plopped down on her bottom and took the paper off, examined it for just a second, then dropped it and stood back up.

Chuck is still working nights in Pennsylvania. We will all be really glad when this job is over!

I guess that's about all the update for now. I pray that everyone has a safe and blessed weekend!

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