Sunday, December 3, 2006

Happy New Year!

No, this greeting isn't premature; today is the first day of a new church year. This is my favorite time to make resolutions of a spiritual nature. Mine for this year is to really commit to praying a family rosary every night. This is something we've tried to do for about four years now, but we haven't been consistent. I would never send the kids to bed without dinner, or without their bedime routine. Skipping bedtime prayers should be just as unthinkable, and many promises are attached to the faithful recitation of the family rosary.

We have been getting a lot of snow here, but it is a gentle snow. I hope this gives some reassurance to our family in Tulsa. They were hit by a pretty serious ice/snow storm this week. I have never seen such a nice, light, and fluffy snow. It is like goose down falling from the sky. I would guess we have about 8 inches, but that is just a guess. I may already be picking up the Yooper tendancy toward exaggeration of the snow.

I also want to take a chance to wish my little neice and god-daughter a Happy Birthday tomorrow! We love you and will be keeping you in our hearts on your special day!

God bless!

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