Saturday, December 16, 2006

A Busy Week

We have had such a fun and busy time this week. The big news is that we are now the proud owners of three Icelandic sheep! We had them delivered to our friends' place until we can get some fence installed. They are beautiful sheep, and I'll be sure to share pictures and introductions once they are here. (In the meantime, here is a LINK to some info on this breed if you are curious.)

But the best news is that we will be picking Chuck up at the airport and bringing him home for the holidays. He deserves a vacation after working so hard for so long! We are praying for safe flight and good driving weather. It is fortunate that this winter has been extremely mild. There is hardly any snow on the ground right now, and the temperatures have been cold but not extreme, and certainly not the below-zero temperatures I had expected to have this time of year. I am thankful for that.

Tomorrow is Gaudete Sunday. A day to "rejoice" because Our Lord's coming draws near and, indeed, He is already among us. I have been fighting feelings of sadness the last week or so. I am sorry that rather than celebrating our daughter's first Christmas, we are celebrating our first Christmas without her. Chuck's grandpa passed away this year, too, and I do wish we could be with Grandma. Life is so strange; so much pain and grief and beauty and joy. This is indeed a "valley of tears" and yet this season gives us the opportunity to become like little children and see the world with eyes full of wonder and hope. I am especially praying for everyone who is suffering with the loss of a loved one this season; I pray that God will fill the emptiness and heal the pain. And may He fill our hearts with joy.

God bless!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know too well about the "valley of tears" my friend! Thinking of you this Christmas....last Christmas it was still all so raw for us, after just losing our Noah. So glad you are having some joys to ease the pain...can't wait to see the pics of your sheep :) ---Amanda from the full of grace list