Saturday, January 31, 2009

January Exercise Update

My goal for this year is to get 9,002 minutes of exercise. Well, I really got off to a strong start with 1,327 minutes for the month of January!

Now that exercise is a well-established habit for me, I really need to start addressing some issues with my diet. So, for February, I'm going to focus on eliminating refined sugar while keeping up the exercise. For the longest time I didn't even buy white sugar- I used only honey or real maple syrup. But that sack somehow snuck back into my pantry, I'm not even sure how. And, well, since it was there I figured a teaspoon (or two) in my coffee or cocoa wouldn't hurt...

So, that's my health resolution update. What about you?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great goal! I've been adding extra steps at work, also I'm back on low carb. I've lost 9lbs. in the last couple of weeks! I use What a work out today cleaning my dad-in-law's yard from ice storm, I'll be sore tomorrow!

Good luck with your program! Love, Mom F.