Wednesday, February 14, 2007

A Link for You

It's a chain-of-thought kinda thing. Snow makes me think of snowmen, and snowmen makes me think of Calvin and Hobbs. So, in honor of the snowstorms everyone seems to be getting (it's even snowing down in Texas!), here is a link to a collection of the classic Calvin and Hobbs Snowmen strips.

Also, today is the 7th birthday of my precious niece and god-daughter. Happy Birthday, Maple! Please send up a prayer for birthday blessings for her. Her dad told me that she will be having some minor surgery later this month, so we are praying that the procedure is uncomplicated and successful!

And, for those who have been praying for Kelsey, please keep the prayers coming. At the last update, they have a few leads, but still no diagnosis. Kelsey will go through cycles of appearing better, and then suddenly being dreadfully sick. This is (I believe) the FOURTH week she has been hospitalized. I just can't imagine how hard this is for her and for her whole family! Thank you for continuing to pray for them! In case anybody is able to help financially, a savings account has been opened in her name for her parents to use. Please contact me if you would like more information.

God bless!

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