Saturday, May 31, 2008

The end of May...

I really cannot believe May is over.

At the beginning of this month, I was complaining that regular gas was $3.74/gallon. Now regular gas is $4.19/gallon. At the beginning of this month, Mary was just starting to really crawl. Now she zooms from room to room like an expert. At the start of May the weather was cloudy and wet and crummy. And today the weather was cloudy and wet and sorta crummy but not totally because at least there isn't snow on the ground. Yes, you do hear me rolling my eyes!

Chuck will be flying out first thing in the morning tomorrow. He's going to be way up in Maine; he hasn't been to Maine yet, so that will be interesting for him. Please pray for his safety while he is gone, and a quick return. I hope everyone is having a blessed weekend!

God bless!

1 comment:

Mama Teaching 3 said...

Lot's of living can happen in a months time. :) Enjoy June.