Friday, May 23, 2008

Another Quick Update

This has been a fairly busy week at the Holcomb "homestead". The weather is making a decent attempt at finally warming up, although it is definitely still "sweater weather" most of the time.

Mary has had a busy week, too! All in this week, she has learned how to clap really well, how to pull up to stand against the couch, and how to sneak practically out the front door when "Somebody" leaves the doors open and "Nobody" is watching her. She has also figured out that while rice and banana are pretty good, tiny bites of homemade brownie is even better. She was 8 months old on Monday, and weighs in at about 20 pounds; it was hard to get an exact weight because she was flopping in the scale like a, well... like a fish. She is about 27 inches tall as near as we could tell. Oh, and another neat trick she has learned- staying awake all day long except for snatching little bitty naps while nursing, which is what she is doing at this moment, actually. The only thing she hasn't managed this week would be to grow some hair or teeth. All in good time. I love my chubby, bald, toothless, sleepless baby!

Good news for this Friday- Chuck is on his way home! He's pretty much decided that his phone can't get much of a signal this coming week, so maybe he'll get a nice long break this time.

God bless!

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