Wednesday, April 16, 2008

It must be spring!

How do I know it is really, finally spring?

Because the kids went outside to play in the mud puddles created by the melting snow- barefoot!

The mother in me wanted to tell them to come inside right now and get dry socks and put on galoshes for goodness' sake before you catch a cold and what must the neighbors think of us as they drive by and see all these barefoot kids running amok down the driveway.

The part of me that still remembers being a child, however, understands that the only way to properly greet the unofficial first day of spring is with mud between your toes. The fashion of the day is pants that are splattered at least up to the knee. Jackets are optional.

As Thomas put it, "My feet are cold but I'm not cold!" A day like this, a beautiful day that ends with homemade bread fresh from the oven smothered in real peanut butter, can only make you feel warm inside. He doesn't even know the best news yet.

We go to pick up Daddy tomorrow!

God bless!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Johnny was out (barefoot) in the mud yesterday too. :-) Like you said, how else do ya properly welcome in spring?

Have a great day!