Wednesday, December 19, 2007

A Quick Update

The beginning of this week flew by, didn't it? It looks as if Chuck will be flying home on Saturday, although that's never official until he has the flight confirmed. It could be earlier; I refuse to think it might be later. That's cutting it close enough! But, once he is here he should be getting a nice long break! Well, as much of a break as he can get when he's got me, the children, and a list of household repairs and chores to catch up on!

Oh, and by the way children, looking around in my room and in the closet won't do you a bit of good. Your Christmas presents are not hidden there!

God bless!

1 comment:

Sherri said...

I hope he makes it home on schedule!!! I know he will be glad to be home, even with all of the little projects around the house :)!! There's no place like home!