Sunday, April 22, 2007

A Beautiful Sunday

Today was a beautiful day. It started perfect, ended perfect, and in the middle of it I got a nap!

I woke up before the alarm went off. I so much prefer waking up on my own, especially when it isn't late! We were able to have a quick breakfast and got to Mass on time without rushing. When we got home from church, everybody got changed into play clothes and we went for a long walk to the back edge of the property. We got back to the river after going what turned out to be the long way. The kids took off their galoshes and went wading. I thought they had to be crazy, but they said the water wasn't too cold and after all that walking the cool mud had to have felt good on bare toes.

We made it back to the house a bit after one and made sandwiches from yesterday's leftover meatloaf. I think from now on whenever I make meatloaf we will not eat it until the next day! The kids played outside the rest of the afternoon while I napped with Thomas.

Then this evening came the best treat of all. Chuck called to say he will be home tomorrow. He was working nights on this job, and the last two weeks seemed to go by slower than usual. I guess after spending so much time all together while out of town, it still felt like we haven't had him home in a long time. He'll probably have a tricky time converting back to a daytime schedule. Poor guy; I have lots of work for him to do, too.

Looks like tomorrow will be a wonderful day, too!

God bless!

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