Saturday, November 25, 2006


Something shorted out in the well today and we've been without running water for a few hours. A few long hours! Hopefully we'll be able to get it back up and running tomorrow after a visit to the hardware store. In the meantime one of our friends drove over to bring seven gallons of drinking water and see if he might be able to help.

Running water would be considered quite the extraordinary luxury by most of the world, even today. Many people must go to great trouble to bring home water we probably wouldn't even consider drinkable! Meanwhile we can blissfully assume that clean (even hot) water will instantly appear with the turn of a faucet at any time we need or want it. Going without running water is just a small glimpse of what everyday life is like for most of the world's population. However, a big difference is that they were prepared, and I wasn't!

From now on, running water will definitely be on my list of things to be grateful for. And having none will be on my list of things to prepare for!

God bless!

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