Friday, March 12, 2010

Quick Pregnancy Update

We had a nice visit with the midwife today. Baby has really had a growth spurt, which almost explains why Mama gained about five pounds this month. ;-) We are easily able to feel little hands, feet, elbows, and knees in there... the fun part is trying to guess what knobby bump is what. At 23 weeks and 4 days I'm measuring 26 weeks, but measuring ahead is pretty normal for me. Baby is definitely head down, and his-or-her heart rate was around 140. My blood pressure was 112/70 which is really good for me; usually during pregnancy my bp is at the high end of normal. She said that can probably be attributed to the fact that I'm continuing to exercise. I think my fluid intake (about a gallon a day, almost all water) helps a lot, too. It is about time to get another picture; I'll try to remember to do that this weekend.

That's all I can think of. I'm feeling good, eating and resting well and getting through the day with just enough energy. Really, I can't ask for more than that! Every day I thank God for this precious little soul He has entrusted to us, and I ask that Baby will be safe and healthy.

God bless!


Mama Teaching 3 said...


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you and the baby are doing so well! Exercising helps I'm sure. You may even notice how the labor and birth is "different" do to the exercise you've been doing. Also, how well you heal/recoup afterwards.

Love you all! Mom Ferguson