Monday, August 10, 2009

daybook for today...

Outside my window... blue skies, white clouds, green grass
I am thinking... I should have done more laundry today.
I am thankful for... having a really good morning at work; I waitressed and we were pretty busy for a Monday morning.
From the kitchen... Dinner tonight is spaghetti, steamed broccoli, and a salad made of lettuce, tomato, sprouted lentils, cucumber, and whatever greens I can pull from the back yard.
I am wearing... old Levi's and a pink t-shirt.
I am reading... Gone With the Wind I've read it before, but I found this copy at St. Vinny's and needed a dose of Southern culture.
I am hoping... to go swimming sometime this week if it warms up.
I am hearing... the wonderful, chaotic, familiar, comforting noise of my family.
Around the house... Flies! My goodness there have been so many houseflies and fruit flies the last few days! The kids are buzzing around (ha, ha) with fly swatters, regular serial killers.
One of my favorite things... Almost the end of another good day; soon the kids will be in bed and Chuck and I will have a few hours of quiet time.
A few plans for the rest of the week: Not much is going on this week. I'll work just a few days, we celebrate Robert's Baptism Day on Wednesday, and sooner or later I'm going to have to catch up on laundry!

God bless!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

good to catch up with you. keep you all. Mom F