Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Progress Report

We've had a very busy week. Chuck has been home since Saturday, and he plans to stay home until after Baby's arrival. I've been having contractions at night that are regular for a few hours and then go away. They are much stronger and feel different from braxton-hicks, but don't quite have that edge to them. My midwife visited today. Everything is looking very good; Baby is lower than before and I am measuring 3 cm smaller than last week. She said "any time now". Oh, it is so hard to be patient and not anxious!

In the meantime we've been trying to guess when Baby will be born, how much Baby will weigh, and whether or not Baby will have black hair. (Chuck had a dream about a dark-haired baby.) It is a lot of fun to speculate. And, of course, we are still discussing names, especially potential boys' names. Around dinner the other evening we were brainstorming with the children. "How about Michael?" somebody would suggest. "But Michael is Thomas' middle name!" "So? Michael is a good name!" "Yes it is; that's why we've used it." More discussion, then somebody says, "How about Steven". "Um, Steven is Daniel's middle name." "Oh, yeah." I'm just hoping that if this baby is a boy we will know his name when we see him.

God bless!

1 comment:

Karate Mom said...

What a funny conversation!