Monday, July 5, 2010

It's a GIRL!!!

I've held her in my arms; I've spent most of the day just staring at her and smelling her and listening to her little noises as she breathes; I've typed those words here and there all over the internet, and I still almost can't believe it.

How could we possibly think she was a boy? LOL!

Lucy Marie was born this morning at 12:28 a.m. She weighs 8 pounds, 5 ounces and is 22 inches of precious, perfect, healthy baby.

Mama is understandably feeling a bit "worn" but otherwise doing great. I'll be writing up a birth story, probably tomorrow.

Thank you, sweet Jesus! Thank you Blessed Mother! God bless!


Mama Teaching 3 said...

Oh, you had her!!!! YAY!!! What a blessing, another girl!

Now pray I get my girl in a few more weeks. ;)

Waiting on that birth story and PHOTOS!

Anonymous said...

I am so thrilled for you! I'll be sure to check around for that birth story! God has blessed you in countless ways.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!! We're praising God with you for this newest blessing.
The Lund family

Melissa said...

Congrats to all of you!!! I'm thrilled that you and baby Lucy are both well. And what a beautiful name!!!! I hope we can see pictures soon :)

Karate Mom said...

Congratulations!! I hope we get to see pictures soon!

Anonymous said...

There is just something intoxicating about the smell of a baby! And I love holding them into my chest! My youngest is 4