Thursday, December 31, 2009

2009 Almost Over

I'd really like to share some meaningful insights on the events of the past year. Everything I come up with, though, sounds much too much like Dickens- the best of times, the worst of times, all that.

This year was indeed very good to us in many ways; in other ways, not so much. I can't really say that I'm sorry 2009 passed us by so quickly. That in itself was one of the blessings of this year. ;-)

I'm not sure if 2010 will be any better, but I always look positively at a new year regardless of the events in the old. Things change too quickly to stop hoping they just might change for the better.

So at midnight I'll kiss my children goodnight, snuggle next to my sweetie, and thank God for all His blessings- those of 2009 and those of the new year.

Be safe, everyone; God bless!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I pondered over events that occurred in 2009 and as a result became a bit depressed. SO...I had to think of the blessings the Lord has given to me, and get those sad thoughts out of my mind and think about a new year, a new start, a new way of looking at life. Love, Mom Ferguson