Tuesday, August 26, 2008

I'm back!

I can't believe this is only my fourth post for the entire month of August. Even harder to believe is that August is almost over! I'll try to catch everyone up on what we've been doing...

On Saturday the 16th, Chuck finished the job in Worthington, MN and was moved over to Madison. He was supposed to have only one tower to inspect, so we knew it would be a short job and that he would most likely be sent home when it was done. On Sunday the 17th at 10:30 in the morning I was on the phone with him when we decided that if I could get the house clean, the bags packed, and the kids loaded, we would go out to be with him. It is extremely rare for him to be working so close to home, afterall! I'm still not sure how we did it, but we were in the van and ready to go by 12:15!

Chuck came home with us on Tuesday the 19th, and spent the rest of last week at home. He's in New York now; he left on Sunday. The plan is for him to be sent home again before the long weekend, but we never do know for sure if plans will change. Actually, the fact that plans change is a pretty safe bet- we just never know what the change will be!

Mary finally cut her first tooth on Saturday, at 11 months and 4 days old! She's the lastest teether we've had so far, including Robert! It's almost impossible to believe our little darling will be a year old in less than a month. Where has the year gone? All the children are doing well, nobody has been sick and almost everyone seems to be growing a lot this summer. Must be all the fresh air and excercise!

I haven't taken any pictures in ages, but Chuck has been updating his Fotochuck website. There was some confusion about viewing and saving his pictures. This is his professional photo site, so most of the pictures you see are available for sale and are copyright protected. Family pictures, however, are now in password protected files. These can be saved freely, so if you want the password please e-mail either Chuck or me.

God bless!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Welcome Back!! I've been checking your blog and so glad to know everyone is doing fine. Love to hear all about the news from the family. Keep us posted. Love mom ferguson