Sunday, March 9, 2008

This and That

I thought I would give everyone a quick update. We have been doing well. The children are all healthy (amazing!) and Mary is getting so big. She sat completely alone for about 20 seconds yesterday before crumpling forward in a heap to chew her toes.

We had our coldest night yet since we moved up here this weekend. I don't even know how bad it got! Our atomic clock gives the outside temperature but when I got up Saturday morning it said "-OF.L" I'm pretty sure that means "Only Fools Live (here year 'round)." At about 10:00 after it had "warmed up" for a few hours it said -25.8. Fahrenheit. Seriously.

Daniel participated in the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time this weekend. I'm happy to report that it went well, he apparently remembered what to do, and now he is really looking forward to receiving first Holy Communion in April! I don't know if it is really typical for most children to be "scared" for these first sacraments, but none of our children have been. It is very sweet and inspiring to see the anticipation with which he awaits his first reception of Our Lord in the Eucharist. His first Communion will be April 20th, please keep him and all those receiving the sacraments for the first time in your prayers!

The bad news is my digital camera is broken, so I'm not going to be able to get pictures up for a while. The good news is that Chuck should be home by the end of this week! He told me today that he is getting sick of the "warm, sunny California days". Puh-leeze! ;-) I know he IS getting sick of it, though. He has been there six weeks now, and we are really looking forward to welcoming him home in time for Holy Week and Easter. It will be wonderful even if it is chilly.

God bless!

1 comment:

Motherbird said...

Holy Cold Batman!

Glad you're back to blogging. :-)