Friday, January 16, 2009


I am always amazed at the "power" of having a To-Do List. Some days I feel organized, productive, and in control. Other days I feel like I'm spinning my wheels- working frantically and getting nowhere. Most often the difference is in whether or not I have a clear plan for the day, and keeping that plan written in the form of a check-off list really helps me. When there is nothing on my to-do list, that is exactly what I accomplish.

This week I've printed off our To-Do List and kept it on a clipboard on my desk so that all the kids can follow it with me. Keeping the list on the computer makes it easier to update daily; since so many things are the same day after day I do not have to write out a completely new list every day. Not everything I do is on the list, but the major things are all there. Here's a peek at our list for today:
  • Morning Prayer
  • Morning Routine (dress, make bed, etc.)
  • Animal chores, snow shoveling, fill wood box, outside chores
  • Breakfast and Kitchen Chores
  • Start sauna fire
  • Lessons
  • Mid-Day Prayer
  • Exercise
  • Animal chores
  • Dinner and Kitchen Chores
  • Free Time and sauna
  • Evening Prayers
  • Animal chores
  • Clean living room and zones
  • Supper and Kitchen chores
  • Story Time
  • Bedtime prayers
  • Brush teeth, call Daddy, and go to bed!

Lately we've been getting started with our day around 9:00 in the morning, and the kids have been going to bed by about 10:00. I stay up until at least midnight lately, but staying up later and sleeping later seems to work best for all of us anyway.

Now we will have to see how this works when Chuck is home again. If all goes well (and please pray that it does!) he will be home tomorrow. Yes, things always change with his work schedule at the last minute, but it is a pleasant surprise this time! It can be quite a challenge to switch back and forth from "Daddy's gone" mode to "Daddy's home"... it is a challenge I really don't mind, though!

God bless!

1 comment:

Motherbird said...

Looks like you're accomplishing alot. I love a good to-do list myself.