"I give these biscuits full and official approval!"
We spent the afternoon tidying house, at least that's all I remember doing. We had our favorite meal, chicken and rice with gravy, and then cleaned up and got ready to go to Mass. January 1st is still a Holy Day of Obligation for Catholics, the feast day in honor of Mary, Mother of God. Traditionally, it is also remembered in honor of the Circumcision and Naming of Jesus. I really enjoy going to Mass on New Year's Eve. It seems like the best possible way to finish the year and begin the next.
After we got home from Mass we all took a nice, hot sauna. If you have never had a traditional steam sauna, you really don't know what you are missing. There is nothing that feels better on a crisp winter's evening! You have to do it the right way, though. After you've been in there a while and you are so hot you don't think you can stand another minute, you go running out naked in the snow and jump in the nearest snow pile. Then you have to run, squealing and laughing, back to the sauna to warm back up! Chuck has tried this, the kids have done this, I will not do this. They assure me that it is not that cold and actually feels really good. I assure them that I am happy taking a sauna the "wrong" way.
So, after the sauna we had your typical snack foods and Chuck beat Robert at Battleship. Then I beat Chuck at Battleship only because I know his strategy too well.
I pray that God will bless all of you and your families in the year to come!
"...you go running out naked in the snow and jump in the nearest snow pile"
Yikes! I'm glad we didn't choose that time to stop for a visit!
Happy New Year to you!!
This post made me laugh. :-) Cute little messy Mary and your adventurous family members. I have almost identical pictures of children sleeping on the couch on new year's eve. Only a couple of mine made it until midnight. Happy New Year to you and your family!
the picutes of Mary Mae, I thought were so cute, I laughed out loud!! Hope you have a very happy new year. Miss you (although, if I were there, I think I'd have to pass on the naked in the snow). Sounds like you all had a very enjoyable evening. Love to all. Mom Ferguson
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