Today is the one-year anniversary of our arrival in the UP. You would think such a momentous day would be burned in my memory, but I actually remember very little of it. That probably isn't surprising considering I spent the entire day staring at the back of the U-Haul. The time since our move has been full of challenges and blessings; it is almost hard to believe it has been only a year.
Today is special for another reason. If you look at the ticker on the upper right-hand side of my main page you will see that there are now less than 100 days until Baby's due date!
And, finally, the most special thing about today is the feast on today's Church calendar- the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. I didn't know anything about devotion to the Sacred Heart until a few years ago when our homeschool group met for Mass on the First Friday. There is a nice website with information at

May the Sacred Heart of Jesus have mercy on us!
I understand about the heat. It is so hot and HUMID here. Really, I could stand the heat if it didn't have to be so humid!!
I love the pics in your last post..LOVE them.
It's so exciting to get so close to your due date, isn't it? I always went into the entire nesting thing...that is a real feeling for SURE!!!!
Wow, a year already! Congratulations!
By the way, June 15th is the feast of an obscure (but cool!) saint - St. Germaine Cousin. She came from a family that didn't treat her very well. She lived in the barn and was in charge of tending the sheep. When she wanted to go to Mass she just stuck her shepherd's staff in the ground and asked her Guradian Angel to watch the sheep while she was gone. She even had miraculous things happen during her life and her body was found incorrupt after she died.
May St. Germaine Cousin watch over you and your little homestead!
God bless!
John Hoerig
+ Jesus, we trust in You +
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