First is a great picture we have of Grandma and Grandpa together. This was taken when we visited in May of 2003. The second picture is my favorite way to remember Grandpa- face to face with one of the babies in the family. The second picture was taken when he and Grandma drove to South Carolina to be with us when Joseph was born. They arrived the very night before he came. Grandpa used to sing the most ridiculous songs for the babies. And they all loved him for it.

God bless and keep you, Grandpa. We miss you!
I love the pictures!
I tagged you with "8 Things" over on my blog so you need to go and check out the rules!!
Thank you Jennifer for remember dad. This was a difficult day for me. I miss daddy so much. The pictures of him are super!
Everyone misses him. He was such a wonderful husband,dad,grandpa and great grandpa. I will never forget our wonderful life together. His wife of 61 years, 5 months and ten days!
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