Here are pictures of Lucy. I stole the good ones from Chuck. ;-) (I hope this works...)
Lucy will be a week old tomorrow, and we are both doing really well. Thank you all for the prayers and well-wishes. :-) God bless!
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
The Birth of Lucy Marie
July 4th, my due date, seemed like it was going to be an uneventful day. I was supposed to work that afternoon, but I called in. I said, "Even if I don't have this baby any time soon, I'm just "done". A friend came by to pick up the kids for the afternoon so Chuck and I could take it easy.
Sometime in the afternoon I started having contractions about an hour apart. At about 7 p.m. they were still about 45-50 minutes apart, but I called the midwife to put her "on alert". When I had to leave a message on her cell phone I knew that we had best be prepared to go it alone- again! Chuck started timing the contractions at 8:37 and they were coming every 13 to 17 minutes between that time and 10:25. At about 9:00 I called and left a second message for the midwife. I was having no problem breathing and relaxing through them, although I was feeling a lot of pressure in my back. I quietly offered "in advance" everything that would occur in labor to Jesus through Mary, for our Baby to be born safely.
Mary Mae was still up at 9:30, so she and I took a little walk around the yard. There were four of the neighbor's bunnies outside, and we watched the sunset together. When we came back in I sat in the recliner with her. Chuck told her, "Baby is going to come out." She hopped down off my lap and stared at my belly wide-eyed. Then she lifted up my shirt and peered expectantly at my belly button. She had been asking for weeks when baby would "come out", and finally the time had come! Chuck and Raechel managed to get her to bed sometime shortly after that.
At about 10:30, things picked up the pace dramatically. My contractions went from every 15 minutes to every 4 minutes, just like that. We didn't bother timing them after that. I took a shower and spent quite a bit of time in the bathroom. I remember thinking of my hospital labors where I was confined to bed, unable even to empty my bladder. I thanked God that I was home! The back pressure was very intense, and Baby kept moving around, which only made it worse. I joked with Chuck that we only had so many minutes left to produce a 4th of July baby. Shortly after midnight, Chuck set everything up in our room and went to tell Raechel it was time.
As I hit transition it felt like there was hardly any break between one contraction and the next. My back "pressure" was now "pain" and it was constant. Even with Thomas, who was posterior, I don't remember feeling that kind of back pain. I was kneeling on the floor against the foot of our bed (same spot where Mary was born), but I lowered down into a squat with each contraction. I remembered that in labor with Thomas the midwife's assistant told me not to try to arch my back away from the pressure, so I leaned into it.
As transition moved into the pushing stage, everything started to blur. I had no idea where Chuck or Raechel were or what they were doing. With one long pushing contraction, I heard Chuck say, "There's the head. Eew, no, that was the bag." He later told me that the water bag popped all over his hand. I really was in "some discomfort" (as my sweet hubby has mentioned on his blog post) and determined to get it over with quickly. With the next round of pushing, Baby was all the way out. There was a few seconds of silence; I turned to see Chuck holding our baby in his hands, face down. I asked him if the cord was "fat", and then we heard that most wonderful sound in the whole world- Baby's first cry. He flipped baby over and said, "It's a girl!" The amazement in his voice is a priceless memory; all these months we thought baby was a boy!
He passed her to me. The afterbirth came out very quickly as we dried her off, checked the time (12:28 a.m.), clamped and cut the cord. I looked at Chuck and said, "Well, Daddy, what's her name?" "Lucy Marie." She was looking pale, so we used the oxygen and she gained color quickly. Raechel was a little timid at first, but she held her new baby sister while Chuck helped me up off the floor. I think I lay in bed for a few minutes, then wanted a shower. The midwife arrived while I was in there. Lucy was 8 pounds, 5 ounces and 22 inches long. Sweet girl, she insisted on keeping her hand(s) over her face while being born; that's still her preferred sleeping position. We are all very grateful to have another daughter with us!
Sometime in the afternoon I started having contractions about an hour apart. At about 7 p.m. they were still about 45-50 minutes apart, but I called the midwife to put her "on alert". When I had to leave a message on her cell phone I knew that we had best be prepared to go it alone- again! Chuck started timing the contractions at 8:37 and they were coming every 13 to 17 minutes between that time and 10:25. At about 9:00 I called and left a second message for the midwife. I was having no problem breathing and relaxing through them, although I was feeling a lot of pressure in my back. I quietly offered "in advance" everything that would occur in labor to Jesus through Mary, for our Baby to be born safely.
Mary Mae was still up at 9:30, so she and I took a little walk around the yard. There were four of the neighbor's bunnies outside, and we watched the sunset together. When we came back in I sat in the recliner with her. Chuck told her, "Baby is going to come out." She hopped down off my lap and stared at my belly wide-eyed. Then she lifted up my shirt and peered expectantly at my belly button. She had been asking for weeks when baby would "come out", and finally the time had come! Chuck and Raechel managed to get her to bed sometime shortly after that.
At about 10:30, things picked up the pace dramatically. My contractions went from every 15 minutes to every 4 minutes, just like that. We didn't bother timing them after that. I took a shower and spent quite a bit of time in the bathroom. I remember thinking of my hospital labors where I was confined to bed, unable even to empty my bladder. I thanked God that I was home! The back pressure was very intense, and Baby kept moving around, which only made it worse. I joked with Chuck that we only had so many minutes left to produce a 4th of July baby. Shortly after midnight, Chuck set everything up in our room and went to tell Raechel it was time.
As I hit transition it felt like there was hardly any break between one contraction and the next. My back "pressure" was now "pain" and it was constant. Even with Thomas, who was posterior, I don't remember feeling that kind of back pain. I was kneeling on the floor against the foot of our bed (same spot where Mary was born), but I lowered down into a squat with each contraction. I remembered that in labor with Thomas the midwife's assistant told me not to try to arch my back away from the pressure, so I leaned into it.
As transition moved into the pushing stage, everything started to blur. I had no idea where Chuck or Raechel were or what they were doing. With one long pushing contraction, I heard Chuck say, "There's the head. Eew, no, that was the bag." He later told me that the water bag popped all over his hand. I really was in "some discomfort" (as my sweet hubby has mentioned on his blog post) and determined to get it over with quickly. With the next round of pushing, Baby was all the way out. There was a few seconds of silence; I turned to see Chuck holding our baby in his hands, face down. I asked him if the cord was "fat", and then we heard that most wonderful sound in the whole world- Baby's first cry. He flipped baby over and said, "It's a girl!" The amazement in his voice is a priceless memory; all these months we thought baby was a boy!
He passed her to me. The afterbirth came out very quickly as we dried her off, checked the time (12:28 a.m.), clamped and cut the cord. I looked at Chuck and said, "Well, Daddy, what's her name?" "Lucy Marie." She was looking pale, so we used the oxygen and she gained color quickly. Raechel was a little timid at first, but she held her new baby sister while Chuck helped me up off the floor. I think I lay in bed for a few minutes, then wanted a shower. The midwife arrived while I was in there. Lucy was 8 pounds, 5 ounces and 22 inches long. Sweet girl, she insisted on keeping her hand(s) over her face while being born; that's still her preferred sleeping position. We are all very grateful to have another daughter with us!
Monday, July 5, 2010
It's a GIRL!!!
I've held her in my arms; I've spent most of the day just staring at her and smelling her and listening to her little noises as she breathes; I've typed those words here and there all over the internet, and I still almost can't believe it.
How could we possibly think she was a boy? LOL!
Lucy Marie was born this morning at 12:28 a.m. She weighs 8 pounds, 5 ounces and is 22 inches of precious, perfect, healthy baby.
Mama is understandably feeling a bit "worn" but otherwise doing great. I'll be writing up a birth story, probably tomorrow.
Thank you, sweet Jesus! Thank you Blessed Mother! God bless!
How could we possibly think she was a boy? LOL!
Lucy Marie was born this morning at 12:28 a.m. She weighs 8 pounds, 5 ounces and is 22 inches of precious, perfect, healthy baby.
Mama is understandably feeling a bit "worn" but otherwise doing great. I'll be writing up a birth story, probably tomorrow.
Thank you, sweet Jesus! Thank you Blessed Mother! God bless!
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Daybook for Today
Outside my window... sunshine, rain puddles, chickens, and a 6-year-old boy who took the initiative to work on moving a pile of firewood.
I am thinking... this might be the last daybook before Baby arrives. :o)
I am thankful for... the yummy smelling late lunch/early dinner that is almost done.
From the learning rooms... planning summer school (mainly math) for Robert and Raechel; also looking ahead to next year.
From the kitchen... homemade corn tortillas, taco meat, Mexican corn, and homemade bread for later.
I am wearing... shorts and a tank top- I changed after work.
I am reading... nothing right now, actually.
I am hoping... we don't have to wait much longer to meet our newest blessing.
I am hearing... my noisy family.
One of my favorite things... having the perfect excuse to be "tired" at any time of day.
A few plans for the rest of the week: work on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and next Sunday afternoon; grocery shopping on Thursday; midwife appointment and Mass on Saturday; or maybe I'll just have a baby.
God bless!
I am thinking... this might be the last daybook before Baby arrives. :o)
I am thankful for... the yummy smelling late lunch/early dinner that is almost done.
From the learning rooms... planning summer school (mainly math) for Robert and Raechel; also looking ahead to next year.
From the kitchen... homemade corn tortillas, taco meat, Mexican corn, and homemade bread for later.
I am wearing... shorts and a tank top- I changed after work.
I am reading... nothing right now, actually.
I am hoping... we don't have to wait much longer to meet our newest blessing.
I am hearing... my noisy family.
One of my favorite things... having the perfect excuse to be "tired" at any time of day.
A few plans for the rest of the week: work on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and next Sunday afternoon; grocery shopping on Thursday; midwife appointment and Mass on Saturday; or maybe I'll just have a baby.
God bless!
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Friday, June 11, 2010
50 Years of the Pill
Fifty years ago last month, the birth control pill revolutionized women's health. The term "women's health" is, of course, a euphemism for sterilization and abortion (often coerced), with the ultimate goal of population control and reduction.
Here are three related quotes- food for thought that I just can't stomach.
Obama's top science advisor, John P. Holdren:
"A program of sterilizing women after their second or third child, despite the relatively greater difficulty of the operation than vasectomy, might be easier to implement than trying to sterilize men.... The development of a long-term sterilizing capsule that could be implanted under the skin and removed when pregnancy is desired opens additional possibilities for coercive fertility control. The capsule could be implanted at puberty and might be removable, with official permission, for a limited number of births."
David Browner, first Executive Director of the Sierra Club:
"Childbearing [should be] a punishable crime against society, unless the parents hold a government license ... All potential parents [should be] required to use contraceptive chemicals, the government issuing antidotes to citizens chosen for childbearing."
Seeing as how Planned Parenthood is the great champion of "women's health", I'll close this post with this little gem from founder Margaret Sanger:
"The most merciful thing that a family does to one of its infant members is to kill it."
Here are three related quotes- food for thought that I just can't stomach.
Obama's top science advisor, John P. Holdren:
"A program of sterilizing women after their second or third child, despite the relatively greater difficulty of the operation than vasectomy, might be easier to implement than trying to sterilize men.... The development of a long-term sterilizing capsule that could be implanted under the skin and removed when pregnancy is desired opens additional possibilities for coercive fertility control. The capsule could be implanted at puberty and might be removable, with official permission, for a limited number of births."
David Browner, first Executive Director of the Sierra Club:
"Childbearing [should be] a punishable crime against society, unless the parents hold a government license ... All potential parents [should be] required to use contraceptive chemicals, the government issuing antidotes to citizens chosen for childbearing."
Seeing as how Planned Parenthood is the great champion of "women's health", I'll close this post with this little gem from founder Margaret Sanger:
"The most merciful thing that a family does to one of its infant members is to kill it."
Sunday, April 18, 2010
As in, "Yay, I finally am feeling human again!"
It started with a slight cough and "nasal drip" sore throat on the Saturday before Easter, and escalated from there. The cold wasn't so bad- the sinus infection that followed was pure misery. It lingered for a while in my right sinuses. There were two days when I thought I was feeling better, then suddenly the left side of my head clogged up. In all it has taken almost two weeks of sinus headache, ringing ears, sore jaw, toothache, bloody/green mucus, low energy, and general grumpiness with occasional bouts of self-pity for me to feel like myself again. Let's just say it was unpleasant for all involved. ;-)
In other news... Robert and Raechel attended a one-day retreat in preparation for Confirmation. They will be confirmed on May 2. Joseph will receive his first Holy Communion on May 16, so he also had a one-day retreat. It has made me so proud to see how they've prepared themselves (and helped each other prepare) to make these important steps into the Faith. It's a good reminder for me, too, at just what a special honor and privilege it is to have these precious souls entrusted to us.
The chicks that we ordered with some friends were finally feathered out enough to join our flock. There are 13 of them- I believe we ended up with ten hens and three roosters. Meanwhile, the four old hens that survived the multiple dog attacks of last fall have been doing well and we still get 2-3 eggs a day. Enough for a breakfast if we save 'em up for Sunday. The others should be ready to lay sometime in August.
Baby has been doing very well. I've grown a lot in the last month, feeling lots of movement, and the heart beat is always easy to find with our fetoscope. My midwife is supposed to be coming tomorrow around noon for a check-up. After this, it is already time to visit every two weeks! We haven't started any of the practical preparations yet. We have enough clothes and a carseat up in the garage to dig out and wash. The diapers are still clean and in the stacker in the bathroom even though Mary has been toilet trained for quite a while now. We don't have anything for the birth yet, so I guess that is the first thing I should make a list for.
Chuck and the kids are at the park in Greenland right now. I stayed behind to finish up lesson plans. The house was so quiet, just me and the dog, that I got done a lot faster than I normally would. Why is it that when I get a little of the quiet time I so long for.. I don't know what to do with myself? ;-) But, it is almost sunset now, and I have laundry to bring in, so this is good-night.
God bless!
It started with a slight cough and "nasal drip" sore throat on the Saturday before Easter, and escalated from there. The cold wasn't so bad- the sinus infection that followed was pure misery. It lingered for a while in my right sinuses. There were two days when I thought I was feeling better, then suddenly the left side of my head clogged up. In all it has taken almost two weeks of sinus headache, ringing ears, sore jaw, toothache, bloody/green mucus, low energy, and general grumpiness with occasional bouts of self-pity for me to feel like myself again. Let's just say it was unpleasant for all involved. ;-)
In other news... Robert and Raechel attended a one-day retreat in preparation for Confirmation. They will be confirmed on May 2. Joseph will receive his first Holy Communion on May 16, so he also had a one-day retreat. It has made me so proud to see how they've prepared themselves (and helped each other prepare) to make these important steps into the Faith. It's a good reminder for me, too, at just what a special honor and privilege it is to have these precious souls entrusted to us.
The chicks that we ordered with some friends were finally feathered out enough to join our flock. There are 13 of them- I believe we ended up with ten hens and three roosters. Meanwhile, the four old hens that survived the multiple dog attacks of last fall have been doing well and we still get 2-3 eggs a day. Enough for a breakfast if we save 'em up for Sunday. The others should be ready to lay sometime in August.
Baby has been doing very well. I've grown a lot in the last month, feeling lots of movement, and the heart beat is always easy to find with our fetoscope. My midwife is supposed to be coming tomorrow around noon for a check-up. After this, it is already time to visit every two weeks! We haven't started any of the practical preparations yet. We have enough clothes and a carseat up in the garage to dig out and wash. The diapers are still clean and in the stacker in the bathroom even though Mary has been toilet trained for quite a while now. We don't have anything for the birth yet, so I guess that is the first thing I should make a list for.
Chuck and the kids are at the park in Greenland right now. I stayed behind to finish up lesson plans. The house was so quiet, just me and the dog, that I got done a lot faster than I normally would. Why is it that when I get a little of the quiet time I so long for.. I don't know what to do with myself? ;-) But, it is almost sunset now, and I have laundry to bring in, so this is good-night.
God bless!
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Twenty-Seven Week Tummy

It's a blurry picture, but look at how much we have grown! Especially compared to the last picture... My next appointment with the midwife is this Friday, so I'll definitely update after that!
God bless!
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Christ is Risen!
He is risen indeed!
Happy Easter to all my loved ones and friends- you were all in my prayers at Mass this morning. :o) Chuck got some good pictures of the kids this morning, and I'll try to make sure he gets them put up on his blog.
May the risen Lord fill each of you with His hope and love throughout this Easter season and always. God bless!
Happy Easter to all my loved ones and friends- you were all in my prayers at Mass this morning. :o) Chuck got some good pictures of the kids this morning, and I'll try to make sure he gets them put up on his blog.
May the risen Lord fill each of you with His hope and love throughout this Easter season and always. God bless!
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
This and That
Mary told me a story this morning. I'm not sure why all my toddlers have been convinced they need company while on the potty, but I suspect it is so they will have somebody to talk to while they take care of business. (It works out well for me, actually, since I can monitor their rate of t.p. usage.) Her story went like this: "Mom, Me tell you a story. Once upon a time a boy went outside. Then a man said 'Nanny-nanny-boo-boo'. That was all, but I was impressed. I don't remember the other kids even attempting to make up a story at only two and a half. So, that settles it... our Mary Mae is fantastic. ;-)
Baby and I reached another milestone this weekend: 25 weeks. This is significant to me because Robert was born at 25 weeks; I always feel a little better after passing this point, and it is kinda neat in that I have seen first hand exactly what a 25-week-old baby looks like. It's strange that such a tiny baby makes me feel so big! In the comments, Mom F. said that my exercise may make my labor and delivery "different", and that made me smile. I've read that exercise makes l&d quicker and easier. If it goes any easier or faster this time than it did the last two times, I'll wake up one morning to find Baby already born!
We have been enjoying unusually spring-like weather, unusual for the U.P. at least. Most of the last two weeks we've had highs in the 50's and lows just below freezing. Usually there is still significant snow cover through March, but our snow has almost completely melted. I really enjoy being able to go outside in just a t-shirt, and the kids are (of course) running around barefoot. Chances are we will get at least one more snowstorm before the snow season is over, but who knows... My dad always says "it is perfectly normal to have abnormal weather". I'm just glad this spring is "abnormal" in such a pleasant way.
That's all for now, God bless!
Baby and I reached another milestone this weekend: 25 weeks. This is significant to me because Robert was born at 25 weeks; I always feel a little better after passing this point, and it is kinda neat in that I have seen first hand exactly what a 25-week-old baby looks like. It's strange that such a tiny baby makes me feel so big! In the comments, Mom F. said that my exercise may make my labor and delivery "different", and that made me smile. I've read that exercise makes l&d quicker and easier. If it goes any easier or faster this time than it did the last two times, I'll wake up one morning to find Baby already born!
We have been enjoying unusually spring-like weather, unusual for the U.P. at least. Most of the last two weeks we've had highs in the 50's and lows just below freezing. Usually there is still significant snow cover through March, but our snow has almost completely melted. I really enjoy being able to go outside in just a t-shirt, and the kids are (of course) running around barefoot. Chances are we will get at least one more snowstorm before the snow season is over, but who knows... My dad always says "it is perfectly normal to have abnormal weather". I'm just glad this spring is "abnormal" in such a pleasant way.
That's all for now, God bless!
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Friday, March 12, 2010
Quick Pregnancy Update
We had a nice visit with the midwife today. Baby has really had a growth spurt, which almost explains why Mama gained about five pounds this month. ;-) We are easily able to feel little hands, feet, elbows, and knees in there... the fun part is trying to guess what knobby bump is what. At 23 weeks and 4 days I'm measuring 26 weeks, but measuring ahead is pretty normal for me. Baby is definitely head down, and his-or-her heart rate was around 140. My blood pressure was 112/70 which is really good for me; usually during pregnancy my bp is at the high end of normal. She said that can probably be attributed to the fact that I'm continuing to exercise. I think my fluid intake (about a gallon a day, almost all water) helps a lot, too. It is about time to get another picture; I'll try to remember to do that this weekend.
That's all I can think of. I'm feeling good, eating and resting well and getting through the day with just enough energy. Really, I can't ask for more than that! Every day I thank God for this precious little soul He has entrusted to us, and I ask that Baby will be safe and healthy.
God bless!
That's all I can think of. I'm feeling good, eating and resting well and getting through the day with just enough energy. Really, I can't ask for more than that! Every day I thank God for this precious little soul He has entrusted to us, and I ask that Baby will be safe and healthy.
God bless!
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Beautiful Days
The last few days, we have been blessed with unusually beautiful weather. It is hard to believe that it is still late winter, and not yet early spring. The snow is completely melted back from our driveway and the roads. Last night, for the first night since probably November, we did not get below freezing. The old guys at the market keep saying not to count on spring yet; that we're bound to get more snow, and that March could still turn out to be a nasty month. My reply is that they are right, but that won't prevent me from appreciating every moment of these beautiful days.
In fact, I've been so inspired by the weather that I've decided to start updating my long-neglected Weather Blog again. Today I posted the snowfall report from this week's paper. Looking at March of last year, on the only day I recorded (March 2) we had a low of -22* and a high of 21. Contrast that with last night's low temperature of 33 and the high so far of 56.
Breaking news- Rain! As I'm writing this, Robert came in and said there is water falling from the sky in liquid form. There's something else we haven't seen since November. ;-)
Not to go on and on about the weather, but to quote Joseph: "Lord, thank you very much! I give you thanks for the rain, the stars, the moon, everything."
God bless!
In fact, I've been so inspired by the weather that I've decided to start updating my long-neglected Weather Blog again. Today I posted the snowfall report from this week's paper. Looking at March of last year, on the only day I recorded (March 2) we had a low of -22* and a high of 21. Contrast that with last night's low temperature of 33 and the high so far of 56.
Breaking news- Rain! As I'm writing this, Robert came in and said there is water falling from the sky in liquid form. There's something else we haven't seen since November. ;-)
Not to go on and on about the weather, but to quote Joseph: "Lord, thank you very much! I give you thanks for the rain, the stars, the moon, everything."
God bless!
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Daybook for today.
Outside my window... snow and clouds. My answers to this first question are getting pretty monotonous.
I am thinking... about when Thomas was born, six years ago today. He was my first homebirthed baby. It started out as a difficult labor because he was posterior, but then he turned and everything happened amazingly fast after that. February 24, 2004 was Mardi Gras, so we celebrated his birth with beads and King Cake. I asked him this morning what it feels like to be six; his answer, "about the same as five."
I am thankful for... Mary having fewer and fewer "accidents". I strongly dislike potty training, so it's a relief to have the process done... until next time.
From the kitchen... Last night we made 15-bean soup, and it was wonderful. It soaked and then cooked over wood heat for a day and a half before it was ready, but well worth the weight. I didn't use their packets of "seasoning" but just salt and pepper. The only problem was that the giant lima beans really were giant, and they somewhat resembled grubs. I ate them anyway; it is Lent afterall.
I am wearing... blue jeans and a green t-shirt.
I am going... to work in less than an hour. It's snowing pretty heavily, so I bet it will be a quiet night.
I am reading... a daily devotional booklet called "One Bread, One Body" from Presentation Ministries. I'm also still reading St. Faustina's diary.
I am hoping... I remember to bring home coffee tonight; we are almost out.
I am hearing... the usual household noise.
Around the house... big improvment, if you ask me. I'm spending about half an hour to an hour in a room, just doing whatever I feel needs to be done in there. Maybe by Easter I'll have most of my spring cleaning done.
One of my favorite things... stretching sore muscles. I went for a walk/jog outside on Monday, and it gave me a decent pair of shin splints.
A few plans for the rest of the week: I already mentioned I work tonight. Tomorrow I will do laundry, cook a couple of meals and make sure the kids do their chores, spend some time cleaning the bathroom, do my exercise, have two people over for "choir practice" in the afternoon, and work in the evening. Friday will be mostly the same as Thursday, but I will spend my cleaning time in our bedroom. I'm not sure whether we will try to run some errands Saturday morning or not, but we have Mass in the late afternoon and then we are going to have dinner at some friends' house. Sunday I work in the afternoon, and I plan to do as little as possible in the morning.
That's all I have time for right now; with all the interruptions this took "forever". I'm not even going to check for spelling or typos. ;-) God bless!
courtesy of The Simple Woman's Daybook
Outside my window... snow and clouds. My answers to this first question are getting pretty monotonous.
I am thinking... about when Thomas was born, six years ago today. He was my first homebirthed baby. It started out as a difficult labor because he was posterior, but then he turned and everything happened amazingly fast after that. February 24, 2004 was Mardi Gras, so we celebrated his birth with beads and King Cake. I asked him this morning what it feels like to be six; his answer, "about the same as five."
I am thankful for... Mary having fewer and fewer "accidents". I strongly dislike potty training, so it's a relief to have the process done... until next time.
From the kitchen... Last night we made 15-bean soup, and it was wonderful. It soaked and then cooked over wood heat for a day and a half before it was ready, but well worth the weight. I didn't use their packets of "seasoning" but just salt and pepper. The only problem was that the giant lima beans really were giant, and they somewhat resembled grubs. I ate them anyway; it is Lent afterall.
I am wearing... blue jeans and a green t-shirt.
I am going... to work in less than an hour. It's snowing pretty heavily, so I bet it will be a quiet night.
I am reading... a daily devotional booklet called "One Bread, One Body" from Presentation Ministries. I'm also still reading St. Faustina's diary.
I am hoping... I remember to bring home coffee tonight; we are almost out.
I am hearing... the usual household noise.
Around the house... big improvment, if you ask me. I'm spending about half an hour to an hour in a room, just doing whatever I feel needs to be done in there. Maybe by Easter I'll have most of my spring cleaning done.
One of my favorite things... stretching sore muscles. I went for a walk/jog outside on Monday, and it gave me a decent pair of shin splints.
A few plans for the rest of the week: I already mentioned I work tonight. Tomorrow I will do laundry, cook a couple of meals and make sure the kids do their chores, spend some time cleaning the bathroom, do my exercise, have two people over for "choir practice" in the afternoon, and work in the evening. Friday will be mostly the same as Thursday, but I will spend my cleaning time in our bedroom. I'm not sure whether we will try to run some errands Saturday morning or not, but we have Mass in the late afternoon and then we are going to have dinner at some friends' house. Sunday I work in the afternoon, and I plan to do as little as possible in the morning.
That's all I have time for right now; with all the interruptions this took "forever". I'm not even going to check for spelling or typos. ;-) God bless!
courtesy of The Simple Woman's Daybook
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Daybook for Today
Outside my window... snow, sun, and temperatures that are almost above freezing
I am thinking... These days it is difficult to think of anything except the baby in my belly... especially when s/he is tickling me with little jabs and kicks.
I am thankful for... the season of Lent and the opportunity to grow closer to Jesus.
From the kitchen... Robert made the most awesome King Cake day before yesterday from Mardi Gras. We can't stop talking about how good it was. :o)
I am wearing... sweats today- dark blue sweatpants and a light blue hoodie
I am creating... a plan that will get our home and entire life more organized and again running smoothly. Really. I mean it this time. Honey, why are you laughing?
I am going... to permanently banish stuffed animals from the house.
I am reading... Saint Faustina's Diary; actually I'm only starting it today. I've never read the entire thing cover to cover, but maybe I'll be able to this time.
I am hoping... spring will not be too much longer. Fat chance.
I am hearing... Joseph, Daniel and Mary are in the kitchen eating apples. The boys are coming up with silly phrases for Mary to repeat. "Batman likes cantaloupe" sounds completely adorable coming from her.
Around the house... I just started my Lenten cleaning project yesterday; I don't want to look around too closely yet.
One of my favorite things... my darling, precious, wonderful, handsome, kind, loving and completely lovable husband.
A few plans for the rest of the week: Maybe I should start doing these posts earlier in the week, LOL! Tomorrow I work; Saturday we have errands and Mass; Sunday I work in the morning and then we will celebrate Thomas' birthday a few days early. I also plan to keep up on meals, laundry, daily chores, exercise, and my little house-cleaning project. I figure that will be enough to keep me busy.
Here is picture for thought I am sharing.

God bless!
courtesy of The Simple Woman's Daybook
I am thinking... These days it is difficult to think of anything except the baby in my belly... especially when s/he is tickling me with little jabs and kicks.
I am thankful for... the season of Lent and the opportunity to grow closer to Jesus.
From the kitchen... Robert made the most awesome King Cake day before yesterday from Mardi Gras. We can't stop talking about how good it was. :o)
I am wearing... sweats today- dark blue sweatpants and a light blue hoodie
I am creating... a plan that will get our home and entire life more organized and again running smoothly. Really. I mean it this time. Honey, why are you laughing?
I am going... to permanently banish stuffed animals from the house.
I am reading... Saint Faustina's Diary; actually I'm only starting it today. I've never read the entire thing cover to cover, but maybe I'll be able to this time.
I am hoping... spring will not be too much longer. Fat chance.
I am hearing... Joseph, Daniel and Mary are in the kitchen eating apples. The boys are coming up with silly phrases for Mary to repeat. "Batman likes cantaloupe" sounds completely adorable coming from her.
Around the house... I just started my Lenten cleaning project yesterday; I don't want to look around too closely yet.
One of my favorite things... my darling, precious, wonderful, handsome, kind, loving and completely lovable husband.
A few plans for the rest of the week: Maybe I should start doing these posts earlier in the week, LOL! Tomorrow I work; Saturday we have errands and Mass; Sunday I work in the morning and then we will celebrate Thomas' birthday a few days early. I also plan to keep up on meals, laundry, daily chores, exercise, and my little house-cleaning project. I figure that will be enough to keep me busy.
Here is picture for thought I am sharing.
God bless!
courtesy of The Simple Woman's Daybook
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
The Baby Gianna Story
I want to share a link to a week-long series being published at Creative Minority Report, one of the few Catholic news-and-views kind of blog that I visit almost daily.
The Baby Gianna Story, part I
The parts are linked one into the next. It is heartbreaking, but so important for stories like this to be told. I warn you to have tissues handy, and I wouldn't suggest reading this from work or a public computer unless you want everyone around wondering what is wrong with you.
Tonight is Mardi Gras. I pray for all of us to have a blessed and fruitful Lenten season.
The Baby Gianna Story, part I
The parts are linked one into the next. It is heartbreaking, but so important for stories like this to be told. I warn you to have tissues handy, and I wouldn't suggest reading this from work or a public computer unless you want everyone around wondering what is wrong with you.
Tonight is Mardi Gras. I pray for all of us to have a blessed and fruitful Lenten season.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Half-Baked Baby
This weekend, Baby and I reached the half-way point. Here's the latest picture of us:

My visit with the midwife on Saturday went well. One of the lovely things about her... she comes to me, even on weekends. :-) My blood pressure is staying nice and low, fundus is measuring 23 cm, and I've gained about 13 pounds so far. We couldn't get a good listen to Baby's heartbeat because s/he was rolling around too much. We're talking a lot about whether we think Baby is a boy or girl, and discussing names. I think we've decided a girl's name, and I'm 99% positive we've decided a boy's name. But, since it is always subject to change, we're not telling until it is official. ;-)
That's all the update for now, Happy St. Valentine's Day! God bless!
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Is it just pregnancy hormones, or is this a really sweet commercial?
It makes me think that there must still be a lot of people out there in the world who believe in family: love, marriage, and babies. And for some reason that makes me all teary-eyed.
Make sure you hug your precious ones today. God bless!
It makes me think that there must still be a lot of people out there in the world who believe in family: love, marriage, and babies. And for some reason that makes me all teary-eyed.
Make sure you hug your precious ones today. God bless!
Monday, February 8, 2010
Good Morning!
We had a pretty good weekend, especially welcome after having a rough day on Friday. It was over too quickly, though.
On Saturday we ran some errands in the morning, went to Mass in the afternoon, and had friends over in the evening. That night we met a milestone for this pregnancy- Baby was moving around strong enough for Chuck to feel it, too. Baby is moving more and more every day; it is so much fun to feel those little kicks and jabs and imagine what position s/he is in.
We had a quiet Sunday morning. I had to work in the afternoon. Since it was Super Bowl Sunday (which I wouldn't have known before getting to work if Dad hadn't mentioned it) I expected to be busy for most of the shift... and I was! But even after kick-off time, people kept coming in. Usually being so busy makes the time fly by, but not last night. I guess I was anxious to get home. I'm already looking forward to next Sunday; it will be my weekend off!
We don't have too much planned for this week, although I have a feeling we will manage to stay busy nonetheless. My next visit with the midwife should be on Saturday, so that's another reason to look forward to next weekend. That's all the update for now... I hope all of you have a beautiful week!
God Bless!
On Saturday we ran some errands in the morning, went to Mass in the afternoon, and had friends over in the evening. That night we met a milestone for this pregnancy- Baby was moving around strong enough for Chuck to feel it, too. Baby is moving more and more every day; it is so much fun to feel those little kicks and jabs and imagine what position s/he is in.
We had a quiet Sunday morning. I had to work in the afternoon. Since it was Super Bowl Sunday (which I wouldn't have known before getting to work if Dad hadn't mentioned it) I expected to be busy for most of the shift... and I was! But even after kick-off time, people kept coming in. Usually being so busy makes the time fly by, but not last night. I guess I was anxious to get home. I'm already looking forward to next Sunday; it will be my weekend off!
We don't have too much planned for this week, although I have a feeling we will manage to stay busy nonetheless. My next visit with the midwife should be on Saturday, so that's another reason to look forward to next weekend. That's all the update for now... I hope all of you have a beautiful week!
God Bless!
Friday, February 5, 2010
Daybook for today...
Outside my window... clouds in the sky and snow on the ground, a typical February morning.
I am thinking... we really should be able to get breakfast cooked, eaten, and cleaned up earlier.
I am thankful for... God's patience with me.
From the learning rooms... may not seem to be much, but the children are all reading, writing, and drawing- working on their own things these days with a bit of Mom-imposed math drill here and there.
From the kitchen... a simple stove-top rice pudding for breakfast, and I'm craving a smoothie.
I am wearing... my 'mom' uniform- comfy pants, yesterday's t-shirt, a quilted flannel. I'll have to clean up before going to work this afternoon.
I am creating... a new human being- how awesome is that!?
I am going... to have to learn to just accept things as they are and make the best of them- usually I'm pretty good at this, but it isn't always easy.
I am reading... a paperback novel called Dear John that my boss gave me. I am so not into romance novels, but this one is clean and I feel obligated to read it in case she asks.
I am hoping... spring comes early this year.
I am hearing... Robert clunking around dishes in the kitchen, Thomas teasing Mary over an ice cream bucket lid (I have no idea why), Raechel humming to herself, Joseph humming a conflicting tune to himself, and the dog taking a drink so slurpy you would think she just crossed the Gobi Desert and not the living room.
Around the house... too much clutter waiting for me to take care of "someday" when I have a minute. I'm not looking!
One of my favorite things... still planning that awesome smoothie I'm wanting for lunch.
A few plans for the rest of the week: This week is almost over, and as far as I know we don't have anything unusual going on for the weekend.
God bless!
courtesy of The Simple Woman's Daybook
Outside my window... clouds in the sky and snow on the ground, a typical February morning.
I am thinking... we really should be able to get breakfast cooked, eaten, and cleaned up earlier.
I am thankful for... God's patience with me.
From the learning rooms... may not seem to be much, but the children are all reading, writing, and drawing- working on their own things these days with a bit of Mom-imposed math drill here and there.
From the kitchen... a simple stove-top rice pudding for breakfast, and I'm craving a smoothie.
I am wearing... my 'mom' uniform- comfy pants, yesterday's t-shirt, a quilted flannel. I'll have to clean up before going to work this afternoon.
I am creating... a new human being- how awesome is that!?
I am going... to have to learn to just accept things as they are and make the best of them- usually I'm pretty good at this, but it isn't always easy.
I am reading... a paperback novel called Dear John that my boss gave me. I am so not into romance novels, but this one is clean and I feel obligated to read it in case she asks.
I am hoping... spring comes early this year.
I am hearing... Robert clunking around dishes in the kitchen, Thomas teasing Mary over an ice cream bucket lid (I have no idea why), Raechel humming to herself, Joseph humming a conflicting tune to himself, and the dog taking a drink so slurpy you would think she just crossed the Gobi Desert and not the living room.
Around the house... too much clutter waiting for me to take care of "someday" when I have a minute. I'm not looking!
One of my favorite things... still planning that awesome smoothie I'm wanting for lunch.
A few plans for the rest of the week: This week is almost over, and as far as I know we don't have anything unusual going on for the weekend.
God bless!
courtesy of The Simple Woman's Daybook
Monday, February 1, 2010
Here We Grow
It occurred to me that through all my pregnancies, I have exactly three "belly shots". This time around I plan to take pictures regularly, every few weeks at least. This first picture is Baby 'n me three weeks ago, at about 15 weeks...

Next picture is this weekend, at about 18 weeks (not quite 4 months).
The pictures look a little odd because I'm twisting to photograph myself in the mirror. Still, as you can see, I'm carrying quite high so far. I can't remember if that means a boy or girl, according to the old wives. ;-) The e-mails I receive say that at this point Baby is about the length of a bell pepper (5 1/2 inches) and weighing somewhere around 5 ounces. I first felt movement about a week and a half ago, and by now I'm feeling Baby saying "hi" a couple of times a day. I just love being pregnant! (Well, now that I'm over the first trimester I can say I love it!)
Everybody has been doing well... Chuck did end up getting sick on the night of his birthday and into the next day, but that was the end of it. God bless!

Next picture is this weekend, at about 18 weeks (not quite 4 months).

Everybody has been doing well... Chuck did end up getting sick on the night of his birthday and into the next day, but that was the end of it. God bless!
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Tummy Woes
What a long weekend! Our first round of illness for the season, and it had to be a stomach bug. Really, I shouldn't complain- we got off pretty lucky! Robert never did get sick, but I'm hoping it is over. Everybody seems to be feeling well today, but we probably should stay on a bland diet a while longer. Too bad... today is Chuck's birthday.
Happy Birthday, Sweetie! I hope it is a good one and that nobody throws up today! ;-)
Happy Birthday, Sweetie! I hope it is a good one and that nobody throws up today! ;-)
Thursday, January 14, 2010
I had my first prenatal appointment for this pregnancy today. It went well! We are still a little confused as to my exact due date. According to the little wheel like the OB's use, I could be due either June 26 or July 16. So we are going to settle for my calculation of July 4th. We can be pretty sure that baby will be born sometime between mid-June and the end of July. ;-) We decided to use the doppler to pick up Baby's heartbeat so the kids could hear it, too. Wow, there really is a little person in there! She said it isn't too early to use the fetoscope; I never have any luck finding the heartbeat with ours, but Chuck has had more success.
I am so thankful to God for His gift of new life, and for allowing me to play a part in His creation. Thanks for all the prayers for us, everyone... keep them up. It's a long time until summer.
God bless!
I am so thankful to God for His gift of new life, and for allowing me to play a part in His creation. Thanks for all the prayers for us, everyone... keep them up. It's a long time until summer.
God bless!
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Me, Me, Me
Here are my answers to 65 questions you probably never thought to ask me. Enjoy!
1. First thing you wash in the shower? my hands
2. What color is your favorite hoodie? baby blue
3. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? of course
4. Do you plan outfits? No, I just grab whatever is clean enough and warm!
5. How are you feeling RIGHT now? like I am wasting my time, lol
6. Whats the closest thing to you that's red? the stamp on an envelope
7. Tell me about the last dream you remember having? Last night I dreamed something about water.
8. Did you meet anybody new today? no
9. What are you craving right now? peace and quiet and warm weather
10. Do you floss? I'm really bad about remembering to do this every night...
11. What comes to mind when I say cabbage? cole slaw
12. Are you emotional? not usually
13. Have you ever counted to 1,000? probably not
14. Do you bite into your ice cream or just lick it? I eat it with a spoon.
15. Do you like your hair? yes and no, mostly yes
16. Do you like yourself? silly question... yes.
17. Would you go out to eat with George W. Bush? only if he paid, the family could come, and there were no photographers.
18. What are you listening to right now? My boys horsing around; actually, I'm trying not to listen to them, lol!
19. Are your parents strict? They were when they needed to be.
20. Would you go sky diving? NO!!
21. Do you like cottage cheese? Yes, with canned peaches.
22. Have you ever met a celebrity? Only if Gary Busey counts as a celebrity, which I doubt.
23. Do you rent movies often? We use Netflix and I can get movies from the market where I work.
24. Is there anything sparkly in the room you're in? We still have a few Christmas decorations up.
25. How many countries have you visited? I've never been outside the U.S.
26. Have you made a prank phone call? yes,about 20 years ago!
27. Ever been on a train? a zoo train ;-)
28. Brown or white eggs? brown, but it really doesn't matter so long as they are fresh
29. Do you have a cell-phone? for now, but getting rid of it soon.
30. Do you use chap stick? Yeah, in the winter I do.
31. Do you own a gun? Technically Chuck owns the guns.
32. Can you use chop sticks? I can, but well enough to actually feed myself with them.
33. Who are you going to be with tonight? My sweetie and the kids.
34. Are you too forgiving? Can you be too forgiving? I don't believe so, but yes- I am a forgiving person.
35. Ever been in love? I married my only true love.
36. What is your best friend doing tomorrow? He is going to work, then coming home and holding down the fort until I get home.
37. Ever have cream puffs? I'm not sure I even know what these are.
38. Last time you cried? Saturday, but it wasn't a "real" cry.
39. What was the last question you asked? "Why is it suddenly so quiet? Where is Mary?"
40. Favorite time of the year? summer
41. Do you have any tattoos? Yes, I have one, unfortunately.
42. Are you sarcastic? Of course not.
43. Have you ever seen The Butterfly Effect? Maybe, but I don't remember it if I have.
45. Favorite color? blue
46. Have you ever slapped someone? yes :-(
47. Is your hair curly? no, but it isn't really straight, either.
48. What was the last CD you bought? John Michael Talbot's master collection, that was about 6 years ago.
49. Do looks matter? not nearly as much as a genuine heart and clean soul.
51. Is your phone bill sky high? no
52. Do you like your life right now? Yes! I am so blessed!
53. Do you sleep with the TV on? We don't have a TV, but if we did the answer would be no.
54. Can you handle the truth? better than dishonesty.
55. Do you have good vision? terrible! 20/800 last time I got checked.
56. Do you hate or dislike more than 3 people? There are a few people I dislike, but none I hate.
57. How often do you talk on the phone? a couple times a day, usually with Chuck.
58. The last person you held hands with? Mary, taking her to the potty. ;-)
59. What are you wearing? sweat pants and hoodie over my workout clothes.
60. What is your favorite animal? clean, quiet, productive ones.
61. Where was your profile picture taken? at our "camp" out back
62. Can you Hula Hoop? Sure, I can keep one going for about 2 seconds.
63. Do you have a job? Several- wife first, mom second; I also play organ for our church and work part-time at the local market.
64. What was the most recent thing you bought? groceries
65. Have you ever crawled through a window? Oh, boy- I was about 14 last time I attempted that stunt!
1. First thing you wash in the shower? my hands
2. What color is your favorite hoodie? baby blue
3. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? of course
4. Do you plan outfits? No, I just grab whatever is clean enough and warm!
5. How are you feeling RIGHT now? like I am wasting my time, lol
6. Whats the closest thing to you that's red? the stamp on an envelope
7. Tell me about the last dream you remember having? Last night I dreamed something about water.
8. Did you meet anybody new today? no
9. What are you craving right now? peace and quiet and warm weather
10. Do you floss? I'm really bad about remembering to do this every night...
11. What comes to mind when I say cabbage? cole slaw
12. Are you emotional? not usually
13. Have you ever counted to 1,000? probably not
14. Do you bite into your ice cream or just lick it? I eat it with a spoon.
15. Do you like your hair? yes and no, mostly yes
16. Do you like yourself? silly question... yes.
17. Would you go out to eat with George W. Bush? only if he paid, the family could come, and there were no photographers.
18. What are you listening to right now? My boys horsing around; actually, I'm trying not to listen to them, lol!
19. Are your parents strict? They were when they needed to be.
20. Would you go sky diving? NO!!
21. Do you like cottage cheese? Yes, with canned peaches.
22. Have you ever met a celebrity? Only if Gary Busey counts as a celebrity, which I doubt.
23. Do you rent movies often? We use Netflix and I can get movies from the market where I work.
24. Is there anything sparkly in the room you're in? We still have a few Christmas decorations up.
25. How many countries have you visited? I've never been outside the U.S.
26. Have you made a prank phone call? yes,about 20 years ago!
27. Ever been on a train? a zoo train ;-)
28. Brown or white eggs? brown, but it really doesn't matter so long as they are fresh
29. Do you have a cell-phone? for now, but getting rid of it soon.
30. Do you use chap stick? Yeah, in the winter I do.
31. Do you own a gun? Technically Chuck owns the guns.
32. Can you use chop sticks? I can, but well enough to actually feed myself with them.
33. Who are you going to be with tonight? My sweetie and the kids.
34. Are you too forgiving? Can you be too forgiving? I don't believe so, but yes- I am a forgiving person.
35. Ever been in love? I married my only true love.
36. What is your best friend doing tomorrow? He is going to work, then coming home and holding down the fort until I get home.
37. Ever have cream puffs? I'm not sure I even know what these are.
38. Last time you cried? Saturday, but it wasn't a "real" cry.
39. What was the last question you asked? "Why is it suddenly so quiet? Where is Mary?"
40. Favorite time of the year? summer
41. Do you have any tattoos? Yes, I have one, unfortunately.
42. Are you sarcastic? Of course not.
43. Have you ever seen The Butterfly Effect? Maybe, but I don't remember it if I have.
45. Favorite color? blue
46. Have you ever slapped someone? yes :-(
47. Is your hair curly? no, but it isn't really straight, either.
48. What was the last CD you bought? John Michael Talbot's master collection, that was about 6 years ago.
49. Do looks matter? not nearly as much as a genuine heart and clean soul.
51. Is your phone bill sky high? no
52. Do you like your life right now? Yes! I am so blessed!
53. Do you sleep with the TV on? We don't have a TV, but if we did the answer would be no.
54. Can you handle the truth? better than dishonesty.
55. Do you have good vision? terrible! 20/800 last time I got checked.
56. Do you hate or dislike more than 3 people? There are a few people I dislike, but none I hate.
57. How often do you talk on the phone? a couple times a day, usually with Chuck.
58. The last person you held hands with? Mary, taking her to the potty. ;-)
59. What are you wearing? sweat pants and hoodie over my workout clothes.
60. What is your favorite animal? clean, quiet, productive ones.
61. Where was your profile picture taken? at our "camp" out back
62. Can you Hula Hoop? Sure, I can keep one going for about 2 seconds.
63. Do you have a job? Several- wife first, mom second; I also play organ for our church and work part-time at the local market.
64. What was the most recent thing you bought? groceries
65. Have you ever crawled through a window? Oh, boy- I was about 14 last time I attempted that stunt!
Monday, January 11, 2010
January Thaw
If the weather forecast hold true, we're going to get a lot of snow today and then tomorrow- January thaw! We could get as warm as 36 degrees (F) on Wednesday! The January thaw (we also usually get one in Feb. or March) is a great opportunity for those chores that are a real drag when it is cold, like cleaning out the car or tidying up the garage and mud room. We've had about 130" of snow this season, which is just a bit below normal for this time of year.
As of yesterday, our newest Babe is 15 weeks old. According to an e-mail I get s/he is now about 4 inches crown-to-rump and weighs around two ounces. Mostly I'm feeling pretty good these days. We had to reschedule with the midwife again, but I'm supposed to be seeing her this Thursday afternoon. I'm keeping up with my exercise better than I was before; that makes a big difference in how I feel. I finished a little sewing project this weekend. I turned a pair of regular jeans into maternity jeans. I had a pair of maternity jeans that I had turned into swimming cut-offs when I was pregnant with Mary. I cut the tummy panel off of them, and sorta just patched them onto a pair of jeans I already owned. They fit a little funky in the front, because I really haven't started showing that much yet, but it is wonderful to finally own a pair of maternity pants that are long enough. It is hard enough finding normal jeans with a 36" (or longer) inseam... maternity pants that long just don't exist in my world. ;-)
That's all the news from here for now. The children are all healthy, being good and keeping busy. Now that the festivities of Christmas are officially over, it's back to normal routines for us. I hope all of you have a blessed week. Love you all!
As of yesterday, our newest Babe is 15 weeks old. According to an e-mail I get s/he is now about 4 inches crown-to-rump and weighs around two ounces. Mostly I'm feeling pretty good these days. We had to reschedule with the midwife again, but I'm supposed to be seeing her this Thursday afternoon. I'm keeping up with my exercise better than I was before; that makes a big difference in how I feel. I finished a little sewing project this weekend. I turned a pair of regular jeans into maternity jeans. I had a pair of maternity jeans that I had turned into swimming cut-offs when I was pregnant with Mary. I cut the tummy panel off of them, and sorta just patched them onto a pair of jeans I already owned. They fit a little funky in the front, because I really haven't started showing that much yet, but it is wonderful to finally own a pair of maternity pants that are long enough. It is hard enough finding normal jeans with a 36" (or longer) inseam... maternity pants that long just don't exist in my world. ;-)
That's all the news from here for now. The children are all healthy, being good and keeping busy. Now that the festivities of Christmas are officially over, it's back to normal routines for us. I hope all of you have a blessed week. Love you all!
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Happy New Year!
I hope everyone had a safe and fun New Year's. Rather than going to a friend's for the evening, we stayed home; the snow was coming down pretty thick that evening. Driving in white-out conditions can be scary enough during the day, and even worse at night. It turned out just as well that we stayed home, because my body had apparently only two things on its agenda- food and sleep! We had a late supper and I started dozing off on the couch almost immediately after we ate. I woke up about 12:02. The kids were already in bed; we were quick to follow. That was our big New Year's party. ;-)
Compared to the last two weeks, this week will be a breeze. Raechel and Joseph will both celebrate birthdays, and I will have my first prenatal appointment with my midwife. I am 14 weeks along as of today (or three months tomorrow), and I'm feeling so much better than I was a few weeks ago. I'm always so thankful to make it to the 2nd trimester!
God bless you all, have a blessed week!
Compared to the last two weeks, this week will be a breeze. Raechel and Joseph will both celebrate birthdays, and I will have my first prenatal appointment with my midwife. I am 14 weeks along as of today (or three months tomorrow), and I'm feeling so much better than I was a few weeks ago. I'm always so thankful to make it to the 2nd trimester!
God bless you all, have a blessed week!
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