Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Lost one
The brooder is in the mudroom since it stays pretty warm in there during the night. Unfortunately, the door got left open long enough for one of the cats to get in there. So, we lost one of the chicks to the cat. :-(
Monday, July 28, 2008
More on the Chicks
Well, we have three chicks. That's not great considering how many eggs I was incubating, in fact that's only a 9% hatch rate. Not good at all, actually. But, I think I've learned some things that I need to do differently when we try it again, and hopefully we'll have more success next time.
Georgia is doing great. Bama, I'm not too sure about; it appears to have something wrong with its feet but I just really don't know. If it cannot learn to walk properly we will not be able to keep it. Kentucky just came out of the shell this morning, so it's too early to tell how it will turn out. I guess sometimes you cannot count your chickens even after the chicks hatch. *grin*
Georgia is doing great. Bama, I'm not too sure about; it appears to have something wrong with its feet but I just really don't know. If it cannot learn to walk properly we will not be able to keep it. Kentucky just came out of the shell this morning, so it's too early to tell how it will turn out. I guess sometimes you cannot count your chickens even after the chicks hatch. *grin*
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Just to proove what a total dork I am... this is a picture of me holding our first chick, Georgia.

We've set up a makeshift brooder out of a cardboard box and a heat light. Georgia has since been joined in the brooder by our second chick, Bama. On the way home from church this morning we decided to name this batch of chickens after the southern states. Hence "Bama" for "Alabama". There is a third chick currently working its way out, and at least one more egg that has "pipped". (That's what they call the first tiny hole the chick makes in the egg shell.) We most definitely plan to name one of them "Kentucky". Ha, ha!
Saturday, July 26, 2008
A Wonderful Visit
We had such a good time with everybody. The time passed too quickly. Now that everybody is gone the house seems awful quiet. The kids aren't quite sure what to do with themselves. We miss you guys already, and pray for your safe travels back!
p.s. Don't worry, Rhonda... Dad made the effort to take a lot of pictures! ;-)
One of our chicks hatched out yesterday... I haven't had a chance to get pictures of him/her yet. It's name is Georgia. Thomas wanted to name it "George" but I thought "Georgia" would be a gender-neutral alternative. I promise to get pictures up soon.
God bless!
p.s. Don't worry, Rhonda... Dad made the effort to take a lot of pictures! ;-)
One of our chicks hatched out yesterday... I haven't had a chance to get pictures of him/her yet. It's name is Georgia. Thomas wanted to name it "George" but I thought "Georgia" would be a gender-neutral alternative. I promise to get pictures up soon.
God bless!
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
They'll be here soon!
The children have been at the end of the driveway, peering anxiously up the street, for most of the day. I'm caught up on dishes and actually ahead on laundry. That's no small feat!
They should be here almost any time now. We are all very excited!
They should be here almost any time now. We are all very excited!
Saturday, July 19, 2008
A Special Request
When we were living in Prattville, we had the special privilege of getting to know the Dominican Sisters who live at the Monastery of St. Jude in Marbury, Alabama. We loved to attend Mass or Adoration at their chapel. One of the Sisters has written to the older children regularly, even since our move, and we are all grateful for their continued prayers and friendship.
I'm mentioning this (and providing the above link to their website) because I recently received a letter from them that they are in financial need. The letter explains that they have been hit with many maintenance bills this year, and one of their buildings is in serious need of repair. I am hoping that by sharing this on my blog, some of you might be able to consider making a donation to them. Their address is provided on the website. If you cannot donate, please offer prayers for their needs, including for vocations to their beautiful order. Thank you, and God reward you!
Chuck made it home safely and in perfect time yesterday. I think I have shared how often it seems there are delays, cancellations, all sorts of problems when he is on his way home. Just part of the game when you travel frequently, I guess. Well, he had a good trip home yesterday, and is looking forward to spending the next two weeks at home where he belongs. Which reminds me of another prayer request- my family will be coming UP for a visit next week, so please pray for safe travel for them.
God bless!
I'm mentioning this (and providing the above link to their website) because I recently received a letter from them that they are in financial need. The letter explains that they have been hit with many maintenance bills this year, and one of their buildings is in serious need of repair. I am hoping that by sharing this on my blog, some of you might be able to consider making a donation to them. Their address is provided on the website. If you cannot donate, please offer prayers for their needs, including for vocations to their beautiful order. Thank you, and God reward you!
Chuck made it home safely and in perfect time yesterday. I think I have shared how often it seems there are delays, cancellations, all sorts of problems when he is on his way home. Just part of the game when you travel frequently, I guess. Well, he had a good trip home yesterday, and is looking forward to spending the next two weeks at home where he belongs. Which reminds me of another prayer request- my family will be coming UP for a visit next week, so please pray for safe travel for them.
God bless!
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Happy Anniversary
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Be Forewarned:
Saturday, July 12, 2008
She's Back!
Bertha is back, sitting in the driveway! *grin* Dave brought her back exactly in time for us to get to church. Thank you for the prayers! We have a bit more than 117,000 miles on that van, so he says we are just at the point where stuff is going to start going out. Having such a mechanic just up the road is really a blessing!
Friday, July 11, 2008
I couldn't resist adding that cute little clock you see to the right there. Now my visitors can see what time it is in my world. *grin*
The sensor was replaced this morning, but the van still won't start. I won't find out anything else until tomorrow afternoon. I'm asking for prayers this time... please pray that whatever is wrong is something simple and not too expensive! Thank you!
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Waiting... again!
Well, the van is at the mechanics- not still, but again! I was on my way home from his place, when the van suddenly died. No noise, no warning- it had driven fine all the way to the bank and the grocery store and then his place. The kids and I walked home without incident; older children carried the "cold" groceries, and I carried the baby. Called Mr. Mechanic, he came to get my keys. A few minutes later he pulled into the driveway again- to deliver the non-refrigerated groceries that we had left behind! There is a sensor that went out suddenly- the one that tells the spark plugs when to spark. It really had nothing to do with the transmission problem, just an odd coincidence that it went out when it did. He said he ordered the part, it should be in tomorrow, and the van should be fixed by tomorrow afternoon.
We'll see....
We'll see....
Still Waiting...
I had thought we would get our van back on Tuesday. When I called Tuesday evening, the mechanic said the part had just arrived that day, and he should get it fixed Wednesday. Well... he called me Wednesday evening, and evidently our transmission is in two pieces. I'm not the expert, but that doesn't sound good to me.
Long story short, it's going to take an extra day. He gave me at least one more day before the kids go back to spending every beautiful, warm-but-not-hot day asking for trips to the lake, the park, or the library. I'm okay with that.
God bless!
Long story short, it's going to take an extra day. He gave me at least one more day before the kids go back to spending every beautiful, warm-but-not-hot day asking for trips to the lake, the park, or the library. I'm okay with that.
God bless!
Monday, July 7, 2008
She'll Always be Our Baby
Our daughter, Hope, was born sleeping on July 8, 2006.
I've sat here for almost 30 minutes now- typing and backspacing, but there are no words. If you have lost a baby, you already know. And if you haven't, I pray that you never find out.
Happy Angel Day, Hope. We all miss you very much...
I've sat here for almost 30 minutes now- typing and backspacing, but there are no words. If you have lost a baby, you already know. And if you haven't, I pray that you never find out.
Happy Angel Day, Hope. We all miss you very much...
Friday, July 4, 2008
Can't count the chickens yet...
The neighbors we've been getting eggs from have loaned us their smaller incubator. Today we got the eggs for hatching from them. We've got the contraption set up on the kitchen counter. In three weeks, God willing, we should have our first little bunch of chicks.

Sleep well, little chickies. We hope we'll see you soon!

Thursday, July 3, 2008
This is July, right?
I'm asking because it got down to 45 degrees (7.2 C) last night. The kids are wearing sweatshirts this morning. The sun is hot, but the air is (relatively) cold. I was just getting reaquainted with my arms, thank-you-very-much, after months of wearing several long-sleeved layers. It is chilly in the house (to me at least) but I REFUSE to put on a sweater in July.
Am I ever going to get used to this weather?
Am I ever going to get used to this weather?
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Too good for her own good
As Raechel carries the chess board and pieces back to their shelf, with a heavy sigh she says, "If only I had a worthy opponent, like Daddy."
Not good...
"I'm afraid it's the transmission." Words of doom coming from the mechanic down the street. But it gets better. "I can't get the part until Monday," he says. "But I should have it fixed on Tuesday, and you can keep the Blazer until then." God bless him, he left a vehicle behind for me when he picked up our van to drive it to his shop. This will be great in case I need to make a quick run to the market in town (known to happen from time to time). Not so great if I were planning to actually go anywhere with the family. You simply cannot buckle six children (in three car seats) and one adult into a Blazer. Uh-huh, no way. So, for all practical purposes we are stranded until next week.
Speaking of carseats, a new Michigan law went into effect yesterday extending the requirements for using boosters for older children. I didn't know anything about it until my neighbor mentioned that another neighbor saw it on the news and wondered if we had heard. (That's how news travels in the country.) Well, fortunately, this won't effect us at all since the rule is EITHER under 8 OR under 4'9". Our youngest three already ride in the appropriate carseats and boosters. Daniel and Robert both are under the height requirement, but over 8 years old, thank goodness! For a moment I thought they meant children had to reach both the age and the height. I just imagined the conversation when I would have to try to explain to Robert why he must now buckle up with a booster seat like Joseph's. Yeah, right!
I hope I'll get some pictures up over the next few days. God bless!
Speaking of carseats, a new Michigan law went into effect yesterday extending the requirements for using boosters for older children. I didn't know anything about it until my neighbor mentioned that another neighbor saw it on the news and wondered if we had heard. (That's how news travels in the country.) Well, fortunately, this won't effect us at all since the rule is EITHER under 8 OR under 4'9". Our youngest three already ride in the appropriate carseats and boosters. Daniel and Robert both are under the height requirement, but over 8 years old, thank goodness! For a moment I thought they meant children had to reach both the age and the height. I just imagined the conversation when I would have to try to explain to Robert why he must now buckle up with a booster seat like Joseph's. Yeah, right!
I hope I'll get some pictures up over the next few days. God bless!
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