Here is Daniel. He did such a good job at memorizing his lines: "I was one of the apostles of Jesus. One time when a group of pagans tried to stone me, the rocks turned and hit the throwers. I died in Ephesus. Who am I?" He is dressed as St. John!
Joseph dressed as St. Thomas, and Robert dressed as St. Laurence Justinian. I didn't take nearly as many pictures as I should have. We were having too much fun playing games and eating homemade pizza and goodies. What a fantastic way to honor our older brothers and sisters, the saints, who have gone before us and shown us the way to heaven! May all the saints in heaven pray for us!
God bless!
What a neat thing to do to make it more real for the children!!!
How fun they must've had.
OK, Jennifer, the one of Daniel has my dad in the background -- I knew his new career is a saint. I just thought it kinda "strange" cause the man in the background does resemble daddy.
Love you, Mom Ferguson
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