Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Had a check-up today

Amanda, who is now my midwife, came for a visit today. She brought her two-month-old baby boy with her. He was just adorable! The kids went ga-ga over him, and everybody insisted on taking a turn at holding him. I am SO GLAD we will soon have a baby in the family, along with all the love and joy a baby can bring!

Everything is going well. Her exact words were "whatever you are doing, keep doing it". She confirmed for me that Baby is head-down and in the classic position, although I am still carrying him/her very high. She guessed that Baby probably weighs between 4 and 4 1/2 pounds already. This is gonna be a big one, especially if I go the whole nine weeks left until my due date! Luckily all the other children have come a week or two before the due date so it is probably safe to say that I am likely to deliver before September 22nd. Maybe. At least, I hope so! Baby's heartrate was 147.

Some folks have asked us about whether or not we have names picked out. Short answer, is no- not officially anyway. We have some possibilities in mind, but we haven't decided for sure. And until then, we aren't giving any hints!

So, all of you who have been sending prayers our way, they are working. Keep them coming! I'm in the "home stretch" now, and it is hard to be patient.

God bless!


Sherri said...

I always hated picking names out...such a huge responsibility. I was never the kind who already had names pick out before I got pregnant. I barely settled on them before the babies got here!

Unknown said...

Aspen was supposed to be a boy. Her name would have been Aspen Standly Barrett. Sounds strange now... it's hard to fathom Aspen being a boy's name.