Monday, January 29, 2007

Prayers, Please

I've been remiss for not posting this prayer request before. We have a friend in Ohio whose little girl is very, very sick. Kelsey has been at Children's Hospital in Columbus for a week and a half. They did try sending her home, only for her to have to be brought back by ambulance! Please pray that they figure out what is wrong so they can help her. At the last update she was stable, but there is still no diagnosis. She has received her First Sacraments (Reconciliation, Communion, and Confirmation) as well as the Anointing of the Sick. Her mom says this has helped, but I can only imagine the stress this is for them. Keep Kelsey and her family in your prayers!

And another prayer request, this one for us. We are expecting our seventh child! If all goes well, Baby is due in September. God must have decided it was a good idea to bless us again, and I am very happy about it. I don't want anybody to worry, but prayers for a healthy pregnancy and birth would be most welcome!
We'll be leaving later today to bring Chuck home. Daddy coming home always puts everybody in a celebratory mood. If I don't post anything for a while again, you will know we are busy being a family.
God bless!


Karate Mom said...

I'll keep you, your family, and your new little one in my prayers! Congratulations!!

Sherri said...

Wow, Jennifer, that's great news! Congratulations.
How frustrating it must be for the family of the little girl. No diagnosis must be so frustrating.
Keep us posted on her!!