I had a very nice visit with the midwife yesterday. Everything is looking good. I'm feeling great, and apparently Baby had quite a growth spurt! I've gotten the diapers and baby clothes washed, and the children gushed over each little shirt, gown, and sock as I folded them. I will be officially full term at the end of this week. I know there are many, many people praying for us, and I am so thankful. We are almost there!
The children had their picture in the newspaper today. That was very exciting! Unfortunately, Chuck has given me a different scanner/printer, and I don't know how to use it! The group picture is really poor quality, but Raechel, Joseph, and the other prize winners had their pictures taken seperately, and that one turned out pretty well. I'll make copies of it (I know how to do that!) to send to grandparents.
God bless!
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Sunday, August 26, 2007
August is nearly over...
... and that means fall is beginning here in the UP. Chuck has been sent back to Texas for the week, and I really enjoyed the drive to the airport today. Believe it or not, quite a few trees are already turning colors. I've noticed this over the last week or so, but refused to believe my eyes. It's still summer for goodness' sake! Isn't it? The days are getting shorter, and nights are getting cooler, but while nature hints at fall my calendar still says summer!
We are going to be very busy this week. I think I'm entering the "nesting" phase of pregnancy! I'm planning on keeping the kids (and myself) so busy that this week will fly by. But don't worry, I promised I would NOT "pop" while Chuck is gone so I won't overdo it! And I have lots of helpers. Many hands do indeed make light, and pleasant, work.
God bless!
We are going to be very busy this week. I think I'm entering the "nesting" phase of pregnancy! I'm planning on keeping the kids (and myself) so busy that this week will fly by. But don't worry, I promised I would NOT "pop" while Chuck is gone so I won't overdo it! And I have lots of helpers. Many hands do indeed make light, and pleasant, work.
God bless!
Friday, August 24, 2007
What a Day!
We have had such a busy day today! Pancakes and lessons, fixing the toilet and balancing the checkbook. I love it when we are all busy, because everyone seems to get along better and be in a more cheerful mood. The little boys especially tend to get quarrelsome when there isn't so much to keep their attention.
Our roof is about half way done, thank goodness! The guys were going so slow at first that I could just see myself giving birth with two strange men on my roof. But so long as they don't run into any snags (and, gee, who ever heard of anything slowing down contract work?) they should be done and gone before I am ready. Chuck has posted some pictures, including pictures of the roof, on his blog. He is much better about getting pictures than I am.
The library party was great fun. Joseph had the most points out of the (many) boys in his age group, and he won a toy truck and a book. Raechel had the most points in the 10-12 age group; she was given a gift certificate good toward buying books through the library. (And with their discount!) Then, Joseph won the raffle for one of the two books they were giving away as door prizes. This book is about pirates and has all type of neat additions, such as old-fashioned playing cards, maps, even a wanted poster!
It is 6:00pm now and there is still quite a bit to do. Mom might be through, but the day isn't! There are approximately 90 socks flapping from the clothesline to be brought in and sorted. My dough is about through rising, and we are having a pizza party tonight. I rented Cheaper By The Dozen, the old version. We enjoyed the book as a family read-aloud, but I was not at all impressed by the newer movie. I'm told this one is much better.
I hope everyone (including us!) has a wonderful and productive weekend. God bless!
Our roof is about half way done, thank goodness! The guys were going so slow at first that I could just see myself giving birth with two strange men on my roof. But so long as they don't run into any snags (and, gee, who ever heard of anything slowing down contract work?) they should be done and gone before I am ready. Chuck has posted some pictures, including pictures of the roof, on his blog. He is much better about getting pictures than I am.
The library party was great fun. Joseph had the most points out of the (many) boys in his age group, and he won a toy truck and a book. Raechel had the most points in the 10-12 age group; she was given a gift certificate good toward buying books through the library. (And with their discount!) Then, Joseph won the raffle for one of the two books they were giving away as door prizes. This book is about pirates and has all type of neat additions, such as old-fashioned playing cards, maps, even a wanted poster!
It is 6:00pm now and there is still quite a bit to do. Mom might be through, but the day isn't! There are approximately 90 socks flapping from the clothesline to be brought in and sorted. My dough is about through rising, and we are having a pizza party tonight. I rented Cheaper By The Dozen, the old version. We enjoyed the book as a family read-aloud, but I was not at all impressed by the newer movie. I'm told this one is much better.
I hope everyone (including us!) has a wonderful and productive weekend. God bless!
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Less than a month now!
We are now within a month of Baby's due date! The midwife visited on Tuesday; she said baby is definitely head down and engaged, although still somewhat high, the heartrate was 164, and I am looking good. Baby continues to be very active, although I don't know how s/he finds the room for all these acrobatics!
We are heading out soon for a party at the library. It is the close of their summer reading program, and the kids have been looking forward to it ever since I marked the event on our calendar. I hope everyone is having a good day!
God bless!
We are heading out soon for a party at the library. It is the close of their summer reading program, and the kids have been looking forward to it ever since I marked the event on our calendar. I hope everyone is having a good day!
God bless!
Friday, August 17, 2007
Just a Quick Update
I only have time for a quick update while supper is finishing up and the kids are outside.
Chuck got home yesterday safe and sound. After the 100+ degree weather he was stuck in while in OKC, the 70-degree weather we've been having has to feel very good!
All of the children are doing well. Of course they are thrilled that Dad is home! I am feeling really good; I'll be at 35 weeks tomorrow! That is only 2 weeks away from the official definition of "full term"! When we were in Houghton to pick up Chuck I bought a car seat. That was the one and only big purchase I knew I would have to get before Baby is born. Having it sitting here in the house just makes me more excited! Nesting hasn't officially kicked in yet, though. The cloth diapers are still in storage in the garage.
I hope everyone has a beatiful weekend! God bless!
Chuck got home yesterday safe and sound. After the 100+ degree weather he was stuck in while in OKC, the 70-degree weather we've been having has to feel very good!
All of the children are doing well. Of course they are thrilled that Dad is home! I am feeling really good; I'll be at 35 weeks tomorrow! That is only 2 weeks away from the official definition of "full term"! When we were in Houghton to pick up Chuck I bought a car seat. That was the one and only big purchase I knew I would have to get before Baby is born. Having it sitting here in the house just makes me more excited! Nesting hasn't officially kicked in yet, though. The cloth diapers are still in storage in the garage.
I hope everyone has a beatiful weekend! God bless!
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
All About Today

Happy Holy Day! Today is the feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary! What a treat it was to start this busy day with the celebration of such a beautiful Mass!
(For more information on the celebration of this feast, visit the Women for Faith and Family website. For a more in-depth explanation of why Catholics believe in the Assumption of Mary, visit Catholic Answers.)
We had a visit with the midwife today. The whole family came- Amanda, her husband, and all three of their children. It was so much fun! Everything is looking good, and we are entering the "home stretch". I am so very grateful for all the thoughts and prayers that have been sent up for us. Please do keep them coming.
We also gathered apples today. None of our apple trees are ready yet, but the neighbor has given us permission to gather apples from his yard. He has a few trees with apples that are still quite tart, but very delicious. I do not have any canning equipment, so I think we will try making applesauce to freeze, and also dehydrating some. If anybody has any recipes or tips to share, please do leave a comment!
Chuck is leaving OKC tomorrow to be home for who-knows-how-long. It will be good to have him home for even a short time. There is talk of a job in Hawaii. I really hope he gets to go; it would be such a neat trip for him. So, we will be busy being a family the next few days, but I will write if I can.
God bless!
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Another Early Start
The good Lord must know I need the kick in the pants, because I was up for another early start today. One of the first things on my mind was this little blog of mine.
I began this blog for three main reasons; a few more reasons for writing have cropped up along the way. My primary reason for blogging has been to have a way to keep in touch with our family and friends way down south. My second reason was to keep a record of our adventures in "homesteading", which I had hoped would be much more adventuresome by now, but that is a different post... My third reason was to have an outlet for my writing, which I have always enjoyed. And, underlying all these reasons, was my intention to give all glory to God by thanking Him for His blessings on our circumstances.
But I would like to expand even a little more. Homeschooling, attachment parenting, natural living, home cooking, simplifying and decluttering, being a SAHM (that's "stay at home mom" for those not familiar with the term), and sharing the joys and challenges of raising "so many" kids are all issues in my heart that I would like to share more about. As a Catholic wife and mom, I would also like to share my thoughts on what it takes for me to be the heart of a truly Catholic home.
To achieve this, I will be doing some updating and making a few minor changes. The first change will be the color layout. (I'll never know why I picked this green...) Any suggestions and feedback would be MOST welcome! If you notice something new that you like, or something that you don't, please feel free to let me know! Don't be afraid to be critical; you will be helping me become a better blogger.
I hope everyone has a fantastic day today!
God bless!
I began this blog for three main reasons; a few more reasons for writing have cropped up along the way. My primary reason for blogging has been to have a way to keep in touch with our family and friends way down south. My second reason was to keep a record of our adventures in "homesteading", which I had hoped would be much more adventuresome by now, but that is a different post... My third reason was to have an outlet for my writing, which I have always enjoyed. And, underlying all these reasons, was my intention to give all glory to God by thanking Him for His blessings on our circumstances.
But I would like to expand even a little more. Homeschooling, attachment parenting, natural living, home cooking, simplifying and decluttering, being a SAHM (that's "stay at home mom" for those not familiar with the term), and sharing the joys and challenges of raising "so many" kids are all issues in my heart that I would like to share more about. As a Catholic wife and mom, I would also like to share my thoughts on what it takes for me to be the heart of a truly Catholic home.
To achieve this, I will be doing some updating and making a few minor changes. The first change will be the color layout. (I'll never know why I picked this green...) Any suggestions and feedback would be MOST welcome! If you notice something new that you like, or something that you don't, please feel free to let me know! Don't be afraid to be critical; you will be helping me become a better blogger.
I hope everyone has a fantastic day today!
God bless!
Monday, August 6, 2007
This morning I was woken up early; at about 5:40, after fighting for an hour to go back to sleep, I got out of bed, put on my robe, and went outside. It was the best thing that happened to me today.
It was so dark that I could only see things clearly by not looking straight at them. I could barely make out the sheep pen, not 50 yards away. The half moon was high in the sky and bright enough to cast a short shadow nearly underneath me. I do not know the names of the stars and planets that still lingered around her. A blanket of fog covered the field and crept between the trunks of the trees. The air was so still and silent that I could hear the occasional dripping of dew collecting on the grass, the trees, and the roof of the house. The only other sound was the final movement of the nightly concert of a cricket not to far from me. The tiniest move I made caused him to stop again. Clouds hanging low in the north-east were just beginning to pale. The fog gradually turned lighter and lighter shades of grey and the sky brightened long before the sun made his actual appearance over the tops of the tall pines.
It was the most wonderful thing.
Sunsets are always spectacular here, but those happen across the street, and so, in a sense, they belong to someone else. The sunrise seems to be more subdued, somehow, less showy. But when I watch the morning sky I am looking over the back of our property, and so I feel they "belong" to me. Every time I am up early enough to see the dark turn to dawn I am reminded of how good God is to us.
I know; a picture is worth a thousand words, especially on a blog. I tried to get one this morning. If I were a better photographer I might have captured the beauty of this morning. I might have done an even better job if I were a painter with talent, time, and proper materials at my command. But, not being a photographer or a painter, I write. I'm not sure if it took a thousand words, but I hope I have at least managed to express the simplicity and peace of that beautiful morning I will always remember.
God bless!
It was so dark that I could only see things clearly by not looking straight at them. I could barely make out the sheep pen, not 50 yards away. The half moon was high in the sky and bright enough to cast a short shadow nearly underneath me. I do not know the names of the stars and planets that still lingered around her. A blanket of fog covered the field and crept between the trunks of the trees. The air was so still and silent that I could hear the occasional dripping of dew collecting on the grass, the trees, and the roof of the house. The only other sound was the final movement of the nightly concert of a cricket not to far from me. The tiniest move I made caused him to stop again. Clouds hanging low in the north-east were just beginning to pale. The fog gradually turned lighter and lighter shades of grey and the sky brightened long before the sun made his actual appearance over the tops of the tall pines.
It was the most wonderful thing.
Sunsets are always spectacular here, but those happen across the street, and so, in a sense, they belong to someone else. The sunrise seems to be more subdued, somehow, less showy. But when I watch the morning sky I am looking over the back of our property, and so I feel they "belong" to me. Every time I am up early enough to see the dark turn to dawn I am reminded of how good God is to us.
I know; a picture is worth a thousand words, especially on a blog. I tried to get one this morning. If I were a better photographer I might have captured the beauty of this morning. I might have done an even better job if I were a painter with talent, time, and proper materials at my command. But, not being a photographer or a painter, I write. I'm not sure if it took a thousand words, but I hope I have at least managed to express the simplicity and peace of that beautiful morning I will always remember.
God bless!
Saturday, August 4, 2007
Less than 50 days now!
It seems just a short time ago that I posted pointing out that my ticker box (upper right side) had less than 100 days to go until Baby's due date. Well, now we have less than 50 days!
I've heard comments over the years to the effect that expecting your sixth, seventh, etc. can't possibly be as exciting as expecting your first or second. I can't speak for every mom of many, but I can say in my case that is certainly not true! If anything, the anticipation is sweeter because I have fewer questions and (for the most part) less anxiety. I'm not worried about whether or not every little twinge or discomfort is "normal". I can savor these last weeks without fear of whether or not I am prepared to take care of a newborn. In fact, although this pregnancy has been physcially demanding, I think I am enjoying it more than I have enjoyed any of the others.
I am more aware than ever of just how precious this time is. My pregnancy with Hope flew by in a whirlwind of life changes. I don't remember taking much time to talk to her or feel her position within me or smile at her hiccups. And then she was gone, just like that. I think four healthy and uneventful pregnancies made me complacent. Our daughter's short life taught me many lessons. One of those is that I must learn to cherish every moment; even the difficult and painful times are a gift that, once spent, can never be returned.
I am sure that in a few more weeks I will reach a point of wanting this pregnancy to be OVER. It happens every time! But for now, I am feeling well, enjoying "the glow", and relishing every day that brings us closer to Baby's birth.
God bless!
I've heard comments over the years to the effect that expecting your sixth, seventh, etc. can't possibly be as exciting as expecting your first or second. I can't speak for every mom of many, but I can say in my case that is certainly not true! If anything, the anticipation is sweeter because I have fewer questions and (for the most part) less anxiety. I'm not worried about whether or not every little twinge or discomfort is "normal". I can savor these last weeks without fear of whether or not I am prepared to take care of a newborn. In fact, although this pregnancy has been physcially demanding, I think I am enjoying it more than I have enjoyed any of the others.
I am more aware than ever of just how precious this time is. My pregnancy with Hope flew by in a whirlwind of life changes. I don't remember taking much time to talk to her or feel her position within me or smile at her hiccups. And then she was gone, just like that. I think four healthy and uneventful pregnancies made me complacent. Our daughter's short life taught me many lessons. One of those is that I must learn to cherish every moment; even the difficult and painful times are a gift that, once spent, can never be returned.
I am sure that in a few more weeks I will reach a point of wanting this pregnancy to be OVER. It happens every time! But for now, I am feeling well, enjoying "the glow", and relishing every day that brings us closer to Baby's birth.
God bless!
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Happy Birthday, Robert!!
This is getting posted a day late because we had such a fun (and exhausting!) afternoon and evening at the lake. Robert is 12! Every year that we celebrate his birthday, I am reminded of how very miraculous it is that he is still with us. For those that do not know, Robert was born at only 25 weeks. Yes, our July baby was due in November! His birth weight was 1lb, 10 oz, and he was 13 inches from head to heel. This picture was taken by his Grandma Ferguson when he was around five days old- he weighed 1lb, 5oz when this picture was taken (please forgive the poor quality of the scan... it is an old picture!)
Most people have never seen a preemie THIS small, except maybe on TV. For reference, the yellow material under his head is a newborn size t-shirt rolled up a little under his neck. This not only supported his head, but also the vent. The padding underneath his bottom and legs is an unfolded preemie diaper. His Daddy's size 10 wedding ring easily fit around his arm with room to spare. At the point in time that this picture was taken, they were still only giving him about a 15% chance of making it at all. We were not allowed to hold him, and were discouraged from even touching him. He was two weeks old the first time we were allowed to hold him, and that was only for as long as it took for the nurse to change out his bedding. It wasn't until he was two months old and off the vent that we could just walk in and pick up our baby.
But look how he's grown!
It is hard to believe that our "baby" is twelve years old! Happy Birthday, Robert. Thank you for all the fun and love you bring into our family. God made miracles happen to bring and keep you here. He must have big plans for you! I pray that you will continue to grow into a fine young man. We all love you!
God bless!
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