Wednesday, March 20, 2013

First Day of Spring!

It wasn't easy explaining to Mary that today is the first day of spring, and yet our house is half buried in snow!  We had two days of heavy winter weather.

Our mailbox is out there somewhere.

Do you see the trailer in the backyard?  Neither can we!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Random Thoughts in Fragmented Sentences

3rd Trimester!  So excited!

Be responsible for your own cuss words.  Typing b-tch or a$$hole doesn't make you any better because you "don't cuss".

Zumba or not?  Thinking of joining a class, haven't yet called the instructor because I don't know how to pronounce the word.

Feast of St. Patrick, or would be if it didn't land on a Sunday.  Somewhat part Irish but no green beer for me.  Pout.

AFV reruns back on Netflix makes me happy.

Miss my hubby so much.  Will be glad when he's home!  He's getting skinnier, I'm getting rounder, hugging will be different but in a good way.

This made me LOL.

That is all.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Daybook: Three Words

Outside my window...  Slush and wind!

I am thinking... dinner smells good.

I am thankful for... my awesome husband!

From the learning rooms... well deserved weekend

From the kitchen... chicken, yam, salad

I am wearing... jeans, sweater, smile

I am reading... Tolkien, Tolstoy, Fitch

I am hoping... spring comes soon.

I am hearing... kids.  Always kids.

One of my favorite things...  I took this.

A few plans for the rest of the week... work, rest, grow

Monday, March 4, 2013

Spring Phenomenon

(Inspired by observations of our neighbor's feral rabbits.)

Rabbits under snow.
Maybe sleeping?  Maybe not.
Dozens of bunnies!  

Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Lucy loves clothes.  On a typical day she goes through more costume changes than a Broadway production.  I decided to keep the camera handy, and today she kept it down to a mere half-dozen outfits.

It's eight in the morning and we are looking fine in purple jammies and bed hair.

By about nine we are accessorizing with winter gear.

Jammies are all the rage this season.

The layered look is also "in".

We go casual (more casual than pajamas?) and suddenly get camera shy.

After a long day of looking fabulous, we go back to our old stand-by, the purple footie jammie, and retire for the evening.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Thomas' Birthday

We had a really nice day for Thomas' birthday.  I am happy that his birthday fell on a Sunday so the kids could relax with extra time to play computer and just goof around.  Thomas was very excited to make his own cake, and he was so proud at how pretty (and delicious!) it turned out.  He wanted me to get pictures of the pizzas we made, but we were too busy eating them!

Hot Fudge Pudding Cake, so bad it's good.

Lucy catching a quick before-dinner nap.

Our Birthday Boy, getting so big!

Brothers and Sisters- the most special gift of all.
Happy Birthday, dear Thomas!  We all love you, and  pray that God will bless you with a year of health and joy!

Sunday Daybook

Outside my window...  grey clouds and white snow

I am thinking...  It has been nine years since my first homebirth.  Having Thomas at home helped and healed me in ways I may never fully understand.  Happy birthday, Thomas!

I am thankful for...  this restful Sunday afternoon

From the learning rooms...  I am back in charge of schooling, and our first week back in full swing has gone very well.  I am also thankful for that!

From the kitchen...  The kids had pancakes and blueberry syrup for breakfast; my breakfast was a smoothie made of blueberries, banana, spinach, and a raw egg.  For lunch I turned some leftover mashed potatoes into a soup I called Corn Chowder.  Thomas requested homemade pizza for his birthday dinner, so we are going to load it down with veggie toppings and serve salad on the side.  His birthday dessert will be Hot Fudge Pudding Cake and chocolate ice cream.

I am wearing...  navy blue scrub pants, my blue Mass City hoodie, and long underwear!

I am reading...  The Hobbit

I am hoping...  this week will be as productive and quick as last

I am hearing...  Thomas, Mary, and Lucy engaged in conversation about what makes birthdays fun.  General consensus: presents, cake, and talking to Grandma

One of my favorite things...  my to-do list!  I gave up using the one on my Tablet and went back to old fashioned paper in a little spiral.

A few plans for the rest of the week...  school, cleaning, cooking, laundry, exercise; nothing special, just daily life.